Reporting Instructions (EPMEIC)

  • Published

The schoolhouse CANNOT provide information related to DTS (Lines of Accounting, Cross Orgs, etc...) as we do not have that information. Please contact the local Base Formal Training Office for assistance. 


Our course uses the blended learning approach to present instruction. Teams is used through our training and for your virtual performance evaluation, please adhere to the following guidelines prior to arrival:

1. Provide an Air University (AU) .edu or civilian email address (.mil will not work). Your invitation link to the course will be sent to the email address you provide.

2. Do not bring Chromebooks to the course. Our classrooms are not compatible with any Chromebook system.  

3. Download the desktop application "Work or School" Teams to your computer, laptop, or tablet/cell phone. Use the course invitation to connect your email as an Air University Guest.

4. Cameras, microphones, and Wi-Fi are required during virtual teaching and briefing sessions unless stated otherwise by the flight and instructor. If you use a government computer for training, ensure the camera, microphone, and Wi-Fi features are active prior to departing your base. 

Arrival Assistance
Students are responsible for arranging travel from the airport to lodging. Listed are three taxi companies that have base access and are open 24/7. They can be scheduled prior to leaving home station.

  • Groome Transportation Shuttle - 334-821-3399 (Reservations are required for direct route from Atlanta Airport to/from Maxwell-Gunter)
  • Checker-Deluxe Cab Company - 334-538-8178
  • On Time Taxi - 334-505-1189
  • King's Airport Shuttle - 334-324-1794

Uber is authorized on Maxwell-Gunter. Read the following FAQ from 42d Wing:

Q: Who is eligible to use Uber ride-sharing services at Maxwell Air Force Base?

A: Anyone who is authorized to be on base at Maxwell and Gunter is eligible to use Uber ride-sharing services at Maxwell Air Force Base.

Q: How do Uber drivers get authorized to access the base?

A: Uber drivers must be pre-vetted at the Visitor Control Center operated by the 42nd Security Forces Squadron and issued a Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS) credential to access the base for the sole purpose of picking up or dropping off members who are authorized to be on Maxwell and Gunter.

Q: What is the process for selecting an Uber driver authorized to access the base?

A: Once a DOD member requests transportation to or from the installation, only DBIDS-credentialed Uber drivers will receive the call for service based on Uber's geo-tracking capabilities.

Q: Can I use the Trusted Traveler Program to access the base with an Uber driver?

A: No, the Trusted Traveler Program is not authorized for use with the Uber ride-share program.

Q: What are the requirements for passengers in an Uber vehicle to access the base?

A: All passengers in the vehicle must be in possession of a valid DOD credential to access the installation.

Q: Will the number of authorized Uber drivers increase over time?

A: The future expansion of this service will depend in large part on the amount of usage the program receives.

Q: Are there any limitations to using Uber ride-sharing services at Maxwell Air Force Base?

A: Yes, the number of Uber drivers with DBIDS access credentials may be limited in the early stages of program implementation, but this is expected to grow over time. However, the growth of the program will depend on how many personnel take advantage of it.

Q: I’m a dependent can I use the service to access the base?

A. Yes, dependents can use Uber for rides to and from the base. All personnel who are authorized to be on base can solicit rides using the Uber app.

Q: Are there any other taxi companies in Montgomery with base access?

A: Yes, we have 4 different taxi companies that have base access: Checker Deluxe Cab, King’s Airport Shuttle, On Time Taxi, and Triple A Taxi.


If driving, put the following into your GPS, Waze, or Apple Maps.  After arriving at the main gate, follow signs to lodging.  Please note the Maxwell-Gunter Annex back gate (Dalraida Gate) is CLOSED until further notice.
- 50 S. Turner Blvd Montgomery, AL 36114 OR Montgomery Humane Society (the main gate is across the street)

Pre-Class Preparations:
Information contained within this section is designed to assist students with preparation for attendance to EPMEIC.

- Students do NOT need to call the University Inn for lodging reservations. Rooms will be blocked off for EPMEIC students so disregard any Non-Availability that DTS tries to provide.
  - In DTS: skip the lodging booking and select:
    - A: Reason - Code 7 - Military Lodging
    - B: Selection - Skip Lodging Booking
    - C: Add Comments - Lodging Already Booked
 All students will check-in at the University Inn lodging front desk for room assignment. 

Day of Education (DOE) 1:
Class begins at 0800 in Building 832, the Barnes Center (next to the Shoppette), it is recommended to arrive 15 mins early.
 - EPMEIC Cadre will be available to assist the morning of DOE 1.

Uniform Requirements

Report on DOE 1 to Building 832 (Barnes Center) in your OCP or service equivalent.  Wear the Uniform of the Day (UOD) as directed by the WARNORD Additionally, students are required to wear the service dress uniform (or service Class A equivalent) for graduation and a minimum of one additional academic day. Students can expect to wear the short or long sleeve blues (service class B equivalent uniform) during the course and are reminded to bring all items that meet dress and appearance requirements (badges/devices/ribbons required by regulation or those additionally mandated by their current command or duty position). We highly recommend students bring 2x sets of business casual attire to assist in presenting a professional appearance for offsite and experiential lessons.

Physical Fitness uniforms will be required for EPME Readiness Assessment and weekly PT events.

Leadership Contact Information:
Bring chain of command contact information, i.e... Commander, First Sergeant, and SEL (name, duty phone number, email address) with you.

Contact us: