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China Aerospace Studies Institute Articles

  • Enter the Battleverse: China’s Metaverse War

    Article by CASI's Josh Baughman, originally published in Military Cyber Affairs: Vol. 5 : Iss. 1 , Article 2. available at https://digitalcommons.usf.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1083&context=mcaIn China, 2021 was dubbed year one of the metaverse with extensive investment by local government,

  • Unrestricted Warfare is Not China's Master Plan

                The book “Unrestricted Warfare” (UW), published in 1999 by People’s Liberation Army officers Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui has been thoroughly discussed and lauded by many in the West as an important document for understanding the Chinese strategic perspective. An article published in War

  • Understanding How Adversaries Think: China and Russia in Space

    Listen to the Mitchell Institute's Aerospace Advantage Podcast Episode 72, Understanding How Adversaries Think: China and Russia in Space.Daniel Rice of the Mitchell Institute is joined by MI-SPACE Senior Fellow Christopher Stone, CASI Director Dr. Brendan Mulvaney, and Air University's Dr. Daniel

  • The PRC State & Defense Laboratory System

    Over the past 30 years, China has developed a vast and complex laboratory system. From an analytical stand­point, at present, laboratories generally fall into one of several categories according to their administrative rank­ings. They include, in descending order: state-level laboratories[国家级],

  • Attacking the Metaverse

    In China, 2021 was dubbed year one of the metaverse with extensive investment by local government, tech companies, major conferences, and studies all related to development and future of the metaverse. While there is not one authoritative definition recognized for the metaverse as it continues to

  • CASI Quarterly update #1 for 2022

    CASI Quarterly update #1 for 2022Friends of CASI,             CASI was approved for a new China-focused Intermediate Developmental Education (IDE) program that will begin in August 2023. CSAF authorized this new program to advance the Action Order-Competition task to “educate and train for

  • Initial Analysis of Two Chinese Satellite Series: Shi Jian and Shi Yan

    The Chinese satellites with the Shi Jian (SJ) and Shi Yan designators are just two categories of Chinese space vehicles on which Beijing has not elaborated in recent years.  This paper reviews their history up to 2013 to provide space watchers with an initial framework for analyzing these

  • CASI Conference 2022- Great Power Competition & Deterrence

    CASI will hold its biennial CASI Conference Tuesday 17 May 2022 in person at National Defense University.  The conference is open for registration, and is free to attend.  More information can be found on the registration page at: CASI Conference 2022Tentative Schedule07:30-08:15

  • Competition with China: PLA Navy

    Part of CASI's "Competition With China" video series which helps Airmen better understand the strategic competition with China broadly, and takes a deep look at many of the military and security aspects of that competition. CASI uses source documents to research and report on China’s aerospace

  • Fight Fire with Fire: The PLA Studies Hybrid Warfare

         Moscow’s recent escalation of its invasion of Ukraine has refocused the world’s attention on a war that began in 2014 with Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its proxy war against Kyiv in eastern Ukraine. Russia’s successes in Ukraine in 2014 and the subsequent panic over Russian interference in

  • Statement on the 50th Anniversary of The Shanghai Communique

    It took very forward-thinking leaders to overcome the challenges of the day, the cold war, ideologies, etc., to come to the recognition that building a relationship would benefit both China and the United States.  We have a saying in the U.S. that “only Nixon could go to China”.  What we mean by

  • “Made-to-Order” NCOs: The PLA’s Targeted Training NCO Program

    Over the last decade, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has rapidly expanded a program to increase technical capabilities across its enlisted corps by developing what it calls “made-to-order” noncommissioned officers (NCO). These targeted training NCOs (定向培养士官) receive technical training at

  • Competition with China: Strategic Perceptions

    Part of CASI's "Competition With China" video series which helps Airmen better understand the strategic competition with China broadly, and takes a deep look at many of the military and security aspects of that competition. CASI uses source documents to research and report on China’s aerospace

  • PACAF's State of the Game

    In this new era of strategic competition, State of the Game aims to increase PACAF’s collective understanding of the PRC and the Indo-Pacific region. The May issue delves into disinformation about COVID-19 and the May Fourth Movement and how it sets the stage for current CCP-led nationalism. Topics