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CASI Quarterly update #1 for 2022

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  • China Aerospace Studies Institute

CASI Quarterly update #1 for 2022

Friends of CASI,

            CASI was approved for a new China-focused Intermediate Developmental Education (IDE) program that will begin in August 2023. CSAF authorized this new program to advance the Action Order-Competition task to “educate and train for competition” by developing officers to be critical, comparative, and strategic thinkers for the emerging threat environment.


CASI's Foundations of Competition with China video series continues to garner views and accolades.  You can keep up with all of our educational efforts on our website and DVIDS.  CASI’s work was also used in the preparation of the Annual China Military Power Report.


CASI’s Fundamentals of the PLA Course- We have now held four iterations of our Fundamentals of the PLA course, all to rave reviews.  Most recently we deployed our first mobile training team for the course, and then held another iteration the following week here in D.C.  Needless to say, we are getting more requests to attend.  So, the next course will be held at the start of June (1st-3rd), here at National Defense University in D.C.   The course is free and open to all DoD and U.S. government employees, as well as civilian contractors working for the DoD.  There is no requirement for a security clearance.  If you are interested in attending, please email us at PLA-Fundamentals@CASI-Research.Org


CASI CONFERENCE 2022- Tuesday, May 17th 2022, at National Defense University

     We are pleased to announce that our biennial conference (we trade off with our big brothers at CMSI; they host one in the odd years) will be held in May 2022 at NDU.  At this point, we do plan to have an in-person conference.  Obviously, we remain flexible, but plan on joining us in person in the spring. 

     The Secretary of the Air Force will be delivering the closing Keynote Address.

     So, save the date.  We will have more detailed information as the time gets closer, but we wanted to make sure you had plenty of time to plan. 

Register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/casi-conference-2022-great-power-competition-and-deterrence-tickets-300942155087


Recent Publications

  1. Published an article on deterrence “….Don’t Think Like a Westerner”
  2. Unmasking the Devil in the Details- A Comparative Analysis of the Science of Military Strategy 2017 and 2020
  3. Released CASI webinar on PRC Cyber issues
  4. “Third Combat Brigade of PLA Air Force Likely Receives Stealth Fighters”
  5. “Control and Decisionmaking in Xi Jinping’s Military”
  6. “China’s Model of Science”
  7. Assessment of the PLA’s 3-Star Promotions in January 2022
  8. PRC Navy Likely Testing Carrier-Based Stealth Fighters
  9. “Made-to-Order” NCOs: The PLA’s Targeted Training NCO Program
  10. Statement on the 50th Anniversary of The Shanghai Communique
  11. Fight Fire with Fire: The PLA Studies Hybrid Warfare
  12. Initial Analysis of Two Chinese Satellite Series: Shi Jian and Shi Yan
  13. “All Eyes on the Ministry of Veteran Affairs”, (with Ken Allen), China Brief,
  14. “The Re-emergence of an ‘Aerospace Mafia’ in Chinese Politics?”, The Diplomat,

  CASI is pleased to offer hard copies of CASI full reports for free.  Please see our website at: https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/CASI/CASI-Publications/ 
for the full list and for the order form.  Please note- most of the articles and short reports are available in PDF only.
CASI’s “In Their Own Words” – Translations of PRC materials  

  1. 2020 Science of Military Strategy
  2. China-Russia joint statement on International Relations Entering a New Era
  3. China's Space Program: A 2021 Perspective
  4. Possible Outcomes of the Russo-Ukrainian War and China’s Choice

CASI’s Competition with China video series

  1. China’s Military Strategy
  2. Strategic Perceptions
  3. The PLA Air Force
  4. The PLA Navy

Support to the Warfighter

  1. Briefed CSAF’s MAJCOM Commanders Summit
  2. Supported National Space Defense Center, USSPACECOM with Chinese source material
  3. Supported DIA with material for report on upcoming CCP Party Congress
  4. Supported HAF staff training, focused on CCP leadership
  5. Met with ABMS program office
  6. Inaugural Speaker at PACAF’s Competition speaker Series
  7. Briefed HAF A2/6 New O-6s
  8. Hosted webinar for ACC on the PLA Air Force
  9. Supported III MarDiv with information on the PLA Airborne forces
  10. Speaker at 42d Aerial Port Squadron
  11. Speaker at 12th Operations Group
  12. Guest lecture for LeMay Center's ISR200 course
  13. Guest speaker at ACC/IO/NKO Chiefs Summit



  1. Delivered PLA Fundamentals course for HAF, DIA, OSD, and NASIC
  2. Presenter at Army War College’s PLA Conference
  3. Lectured at multiple SNCOA and NCOA iterations for full course orientation on China
  4. Panel moderator at ACSC’s Great Power Competition Symposium
  5. Featured speaker at Air Force Senior Staff Course
  6. Featured speaker at the Combined Forces Air Component Commander Course
  7. Featured speaker at the Joint Flag Officer Warfighter Course
  8. Featured Speaker at USAFA Great Power Competition event
  9. Speaker at USAFA cadet briefings on China
  10. Featured speaker at Joint Warrior Studies Seminar
  11. Provided SOS brief on China 101 to the full course
  12. Provided brief to 160 ISS SNCO
  13. Mentored 30 enlisted PME students on Strategic Competition papers
  14. Briefed 450 students at First Shirt Academy
  15. Briefed all AFGSC First Sergeants Annual Symposium
  16. 86 MDG organization briefing


 Engagement and Outreach
     In addition to providing support to Air Force staff, CASI has had another busy quarter supporting the USAF and the DoD, as well as our allies, partners, and friends. CASI:

  1. CASI’s Kristin Burke was cited for her forward leaning work on China’s on orbit servicing capabilities. https://breakingdefense.com/2022/01/chinas-sj-21-tugs-dead-satellite-out-of-geo-belt-trackers/
  2. Featured in the April edition of issue of MS&T journal
  3. Assisted with National Defense University’s publication “Crossing the Strait: China’s Military Prepares for War with Taiwan”
  4. Featured speaker at Johns Hopkins APL
  5. Created and delivered webinar series to DAO Beijing on the PLA Rocket Force
  6. Participated in the Baron PA event on Xinjiang
  7. Featured panelist for ICAS event with the Honorable John Bolton
  8. Featured panelist for FPRI event “The US Strategy toward China”
  9. Partnering with DIA to build China Expertise and Training
  10. Supported Wilson Center project
  11. Podcast with the Cognitive Crucible
  12. Held discussions with the Honorable Newt Gingrich
  13. Podcast with AFA’s Aerospace Advantage
  14. Moderator for Carlisle PLA Conference panel
  15. Interviewed by VOA Mandarin Service
  16. Participated in White House OSTP/Joint Space Team call on OSAM
  17. Interviewed by VOA print service
  18. Participated in CSIS workshop on Russia-China military cooperation
  19. Met with Czech Cyber Attaché and National Cyber and Information Security Agency PRC Lead
  20. Met with NDU Data Analytics Professor to discuss building case study
  21. Supported Strategic Competition Advisor to DAF for future discussions
  22. Met with US Space Force 13 DOS/CC
  23. Tuskegee University ROTC engagement/recruitment/talent management



  1. Teaches China-focused electives for Air War College & Air Command and Staff College
  2. Advises Air War College students on China-focused research
  3. Participates in weekly Air Staff China synchronization group
  4. Participates in monthly OCEA events focused on China’s economy
  5. Partners with the Air Force Culture & Language Center and the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center to develop a joint Language Intensive Training Event for Language Scholars
  6. CASI Researcher selected for the Defense Civilian Emerging Leadership Program.
  7. AU Cyber Case Study Competition
  8. Continued working with PACAF, and helping advertise “State of the Game” newsletter


Events Attended

  1. Attended U.S. Congress hearing on CCP Decision-Making and the 20th Party Congress
  2. Wilson Center’s Wilson China Fellows Conference
  3. ICAS event with the Honorable Richard Haas
  4. USCC congressional hearing on China's Cyber Capabilities
  5. An Assessment of the U.S. and Chinese Industrial Bases in Quantum Technology
  6. Russian Approaches to Strategic Deterrence and Tactical Coercion
  7. China’s Nuclear Modernization and Its Implications
  8. AI and the PLA Strategic Support Force


CASI continues its close relationship and holds regular meetings with the HAF and SAF representatives, making sure that our research is policy and plans relevant.


We have several positions open.  If you, or anyone you know, is interested, please get in touch with us.

CASI Director of Education (GS-13)

CASI Researcher (GS-12)

Keep in contact with us:
CASI website www.airuniversity.af.mil/CASI/
Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/CASI_Research
Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/CASI.Research.Org
Link with us on LinkedIn:  www.linkedin.com/company/china-aerospace-studies-institute

As always, please feel free to send this update, or our website/ contact information, to anyone you feel might be interested in CASI or our research. Let us know if you have any thoughts, requests for support, or ideas for future papers and projects.

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