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China Aerospace Studies Institute Articles

  • Fight Fire with Fire: The PLA Studies Hybrid Warfare

         Moscow’s recent escalation of its invasion of Ukraine has refocused the world’s attention on a war that began in 2014 with Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its proxy war against Kyiv in eastern Ukraine. Russia’s successes in Ukraine in 2014 and the subsequent panic over Russian interference in

  • Statement on the 50th Anniversary of The Shanghai Communique

    It took very forward-thinking leaders to overcome the challenges of the day, the cold war, ideologies, etc., to come to the recognition that building a relationship would benefit both China and the United States.  We have a saying in the U.S. that “only Nixon could go to China”.  What we mean by

  • “Made-to-Order” NCOs: The PLA’s Targeted Training NCO Program

    Over the last decade, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has rapidly expanded a program to increase technical capabilities across its enlisted corps by developing what it calls “made-to-order” noncommissioned officers (NCO). These targeted training NCOs (定向培养士官) receive technical training at

  • Competition with China: Strategic Perceptions

    Part of CASI's "Competition With China" video series which helps Airmen better understand the strategic competition with China broadly, and takes a deep look at many of the military and security aspects of that competition. CASI uses source documents to research and report on China’s aerospace

  • PACAF's State of the Game

    In this new era of strategic competition, State of the Game aims to increase PACAF’s collective understanding of the PRC and the Indo-Pacific region. The May issue delves into disinformation about COVID-19 and the May Fourth Movement and how it sets the stage for current CCP-led nationalism. Topics

  • ITOW- China's Space Program: A 2021 Perspective

    "To explore the vast cosmos, develop the space industry and build China into a space power is our eternal dream," stated President Xi Jinping. The space industry is a critical element of the overall national strategy.In January 2022, the The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic

  • PRC Navy Likely Testing Carrier-Based Stealth Fighters

    Two probable prototype carrier-based FC-31 variants appeared at the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) Carrier Aviation Test and Training Base at Huangdicun in early November 2021.  Satellite imagery shows the two aircraft parked on active runways, indicating they are operable prototypes rather

  • Assessment of the PLA’s 3-Star Promotions in January 2022

    On 5 January 2022, Xi Jinping chaired a promotion ceremony for seven officers as either a commander (CDR) or political commissar (PC).  Each new general has the grade of Theater Command (TC) Leader and each previously held a billet at the grade of TC deputy leader.  As a TC leader-grade officer,

  • China’s Model of Science

         On 20 January 2021 newly inaugurated President Biden sent a letter to his science advisor, geneticist Eric Lander, posing five essential questions about how to ensure America’s leadership in science and technology for the next 75 years. The letter deliberately invoked a similar letter sent by

  • Competition with China: The PLA Air Force

    Part of CASI's "Competition With China" video series which helps Airmen better understand the strategic competition with China broadly, and takes a deep look at many of the military and security aspects of that competition. CASI uses source documents to research and report on China’s aerospace

  • ITOW: China-Russia joint statement on International Relations Entering a New Era

    At the invitation of President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir V. Putin visited China on 4 February 2022. The Heads of State held talks in Beijing and took part in the opening ceremony of the XXIV Olympic Winter Games. They issues the

  • Control and Decisionmaking in Xi Jinping’s Military

    Over the past decade, Xi Jinping centralized control over the military through more than just reshuffling the People’s Armed Forces. Just as importantly, he stripped away control over the Party gun from other parts of the Chinese Communist Party. In doing this, the primary potential disrupting

  • Third Combat Brigade of PLA Air Force Likely Receives Stealth Fighters

    On 9 December the Dutch Aviation Society’s website Scramble reported that a J-20 bearing the serial number 61162 had been spotted the day before. The J-20 is the first and only fifth-generation fighter that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force operates. Judging from this serial

  • CMSI report on Chinese Special Operations in a Large-Scale Island Landing

    This is a report from our "Big Brothers" at the China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI) focused on PLA SOF.      PLA special operations forces (SOF) would likely play important supporting roles in an amphibious assault on Taiwan. Their capabilities and training are geared towards several missions

  • CASI Webinar on China and Cyber

    CASI hosted a webinar focused on Cyber issues related to the PRC.  We were joined by: Naomi Wilson, Vice president of policy for Asia at the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) Prof SHEN Yi, Associate Professor of the Department of International Politics, School of International

  • CASI Intermediate Developmental Education (IDE) Program

    The China Aerospace Studies Institute (CASI) has been approved for a new China-focused Intermediate Developmental Education (IDE) program that will begin in August 2023.CSAF authorized this new program to advance the Action Order-Competition task to “educate and train for competition” by developing

  • In Their Own Words: 2020 Science of Military Strategy

          The “In Their Own Words” series is dedicated to translations of Chinese documents in order to help non-Mandarin speaking audiences access and understand Chinese thinking. In the “In Their Own Words” series, CASI aims to provide Chinese texts that illustrate thoughtful, clearly articulated,

  • Competition With China: China's Military Strategy

    Part of CASI's "Competition With China" video series which helps Airmen better understand the strategic competition with China broadly, and takes a deep look at many of the military and security aspects of that competition. CASI uses source documents to research and report on China’s aerospace