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China Aerospace Studies Institute Articles

  • ITOW: Air Force Tactical Logistics

    The “In Their Own Words” series is dedicated to translations of Chinese documents in order to help non-Mandarin speaking audiences access and understand Chinese thinking. CASI would like to thank all of those involved in this effort. In the “In Their Own Words” series, CASI and its collaborators aim

  • Hacked in China

    The latest U.S. cyber strategy has struck a nerve with Xi Jinping.A foreign government's response to a U.S. strategy document rarely earns front page coverage, but in the case of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) recent reaction to the U.S. government's new cyber strategy, we

  • China's ChatGPT War

    Earlier this year Microsoft Co-Founder Bill Gates stated ChatGPT, “will change our world” and is “as significant as the invention of the internet”  in an interview with German business daily Handelsblatt.   In the interview he focused on the way ChatGPT could impact the workplace.  Others, however,

  • Enter the Battleverse: China’s Metaverse War

    Article by CASI's Josh Baughman, originally published in Military Cyber Affairs: Vol. 5 : Iss. 1 , Article 2. available at https://digitalcommons.usf.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1083&context=mcaIn China, 2021 was dubbed year one of the metaverse with extensive investment by local government,

  • Attacking the Metaverse

    In China, 2021 was dubbed year one of the metaverse with extensive investment by local government, tech companies, major conferences, and studies all related to development and future of the metaverse. While there is not one authoritative definition recognized for the metaverse as it continues to

  • CASI Webinar on China and Cyber

    CASI hosted a webinar focused on Cyber issues related to the PRC.  We were joined by: Naomi Wilson, Vice president of policy for Asia at the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) Prof SHEN Yi, Associate Professor of the Department of International Politics, School of International

  • The U.S., China, and Artificial Intelligence Competition Factors

         As technology continues to progress rapidly, so does its impact on modern warfare. As the world moves deeper into the era of great power competition, this becomes an even more important area to watch. The United States and China are both pursuing high technology very rapidly and with

  • CASI Webinar on Quantum Technologies and the PRC

    CASI hosted an expert panel looking at Quantum Technologies in China with Elsa Kania and Prof Mike Biercuk.  You can watch the 90 minute webinar at:  https://tinyurl.com/CASI-Webinar-Quantum 

  • China and Artificial Intelligence

    CASI hosted an expert panel looking at Artificial Intelligence (AI) in China.  You can watch the 90 minute webinar at: Tinyurl.com/CASI-Webinar-AI

  • CASI developing research

    The mission of CASI is to advance understanding of the capabilities, development, operating concepts, strategy, doctrine, personnel, organization, and limitations of China's aerospace forces, which include: the PLA Air Force (PLAAF); PLA Naval Aviation (PLAN Aviation); PLA Rocket Force (PLARF); the