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China Aerospace Studies Institute Articles

  • Senior PLA Leader Military Diplomacy from October 2017 through December 2024

      This is a review of the military diplomacy activities at home and abroad conducted by People’s Liberation Army (PLA) key leaders from the 19th Party Congress in October 2017 through December 2024. Key leaders include members of the Central Military Commission (CMC)  such as the Vice Chairmen; the

  • China's Air Defense Radar Industrial Base

      This report draws on open-source reporting, Chinese-language primary sources, satellite imagery, and multiple business databases to examine China’s air defense radar capabilities and the industrial base that develops, produces, and deploys them. Key findings include:•  China’s large air defense

  • PLA Views on the Information Domain

    The “Information Age” has been around for decades.  Whether you date it to the first transistors of the World War II era, the advent of home computing, or the rise of the internet, the “Information Age” has impacted all of our lives, in deeply important ways and warfare is no exception to this rule.

  • Ongoing Organizational Reforms of the PLAAF

    From the chapter by Dr. Brendan S. Mulvaney and Ken Allen on the Ongoing Organizational Reforms of the PLAAF from Modernising the People’s Liberation Army: Aspiring to be a Global Military Power (available

  • ITOW: Hypersonic Vehicle Technology

         The “In Their Own Words” series is dedicated to translations of Chinese documents in order to help non-Mandarin speaking audiences access and understand Chinese thinking. CASI would like to thank all of those involved in this effort.      In the “In Their Own Words” series, CASI and its

  • The PLA’s New Information Support Force

    The PLA’s New Information Support Force Dr. Brendan S. Mulvaney  On Friday, 19 April, Xi Jinping, Chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC) of the Chinese Communist Part (CCP), attended a ceremony where he established a new ‘force’ of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), the Information

  • Hypersonics Research Collaboration Between the United States and the PRC

    This report is the fourth in our series describing the state of research into Hypersonics in the People's Republic of China.  The first report detailed the current state of research into hypersonics in China, the second report detailed Collaboration Efforts on Hypersonic Research Between the PRC and

  • The PLA Navy Coastal Defense Missile Force

    The People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is comprised of five branches (兵种): the surface fleet, the submarine fleet, naval aviation, the marine corps, and coastal defense. As the PLAN modernizes, each of the branches has undergone its own modernization. This includes the PLAN Coastal Defense force

  • Chinese Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications

         The People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force (PLARF) and China’s Nuclear Deterrence Capabilities Have Grown Considerably in the Past 15 Years.     Originally, the PLARF was constructed as purely a delivery force for China’s nuclear weapons. However, that role has expanded dramatically in recent

  • In Their Own Words: On Maritime Strategic Access

    The “In Their Own Words” series is dedicated to translations of Chinese documents in order to help non-Mandarin speaking audiences access and understand Chinese thinking. CASI would like to thank all of those involved in this effort. In the “In Their Own Words” series, CASI and its collaborators aim

  • PLA Counterspace Command and Control

    This report started as an effort to answer two questions about each of six counterspace weapon classes typically referenced in unclassified counterspace reports.  The weapons discussed in this report include: Direct Assent Antisatellite Missiles, Directed Energy Counterspace Weapons, Terrestrially

  • Survey of PRC Drone Swarm Inventions

    This work builds upon CASI’s 2018 The PLA’s Unmanned Aerial Systems: New Capabilities for a “New Era” of Chinese Military Power by Elsa Kania1 and is intended to specifically address the Chinese capacity for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) swarm innovation, tactics, and mission sets.In December 2018,

  • CASI Quarterly update #3 for 2023

    CASI Quarterly update#3 for 2023Friends of CASI,            While we watch the budget work its way through the process, we are still hard at work.  We wanted to take a chance and update you on all of the things CASI has been doing over the last three months. Personnel- We continue to work through

  • UK Intelligence & Security report- "China"

    While the U.S. government shutdown works its way through the American political system, we thought we would highlight an important report from our closest ally and friends across the Atlantic, from the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament of the United Kingdom, entitled simply

  • PLAN Special Mission Aviation Air Base Renovation and Expansion Activities

    The People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) Naval Aviation forces have been undergoing a large scale divestment of its shore based aviation capabilities through 2023. However, since then, PLAN Aviation has clearly sought to retain not only is fixed wing anti-submarine warfare (ASW) assets, but also its