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China Aerospace Studies Institute Articles

  • PLA On-Orbit Satellite Logistics

    The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is preparing its satellite operators to perform on-orbit satellite refueling, for peacetime and wartime space logistics.  They are also already integrating lessons learned into corresponding military doctrine and training tools.  To further ready a PLA in-space

  • Coercive Space Activities: The View From PRC Sources

    The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is developing space technologies, in part, to deter and compel the United States from taking actions that Beijing deems counter to its national security interests. PRC coercive space efforts are intended to achieve effects in, from, and to space. People’s

  • PLA Counterspace Command and Control

    This report started as an effort to answer two questions about each of six counterspace weapon classes typically referenced in unclassified counterspace reports.  The weapons discussed in this report include: Direct Assent Antisatellite Missiles, Directed Energy Counterspace Weapons, Terrestrially

  • Achieving the PLA's Strategic Support Force talent needs through MCF

    Successful Military-Civil Fusion integration (MCF) is key to realizing China's military space and cyber ambitions. President Xi Jinping has emphasized the importance of this objective, and the recently established People Liberation Army's Strategic Support Force (PLASSF) is a case in point. The

  • China's Space Narrative

         Both China and the United States have created separate parts of their military dedicated to space. Commercial, scientific, and military endeavors in space are all intimately linked, and one must understand how they are viewed to better understand how a nation might proceed in one or all of