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China Aerospace Studies Institute Articles

  • The Centralization of the PLA Air Force’s Basic and Technical Training

    Initial entry training is a major undertaking for any armed force, but China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force (PLAAF) faces a unique set of challenges based on its enlisted force’s large size, relatively short service commitments, and high proportion of technical requirements. Although the

  • PLA Rocket Force Organization

          The PLA Rocket Force (PLARF), formerly known as the PLA 2nd Artillery Force (PLASAF) until 2016, is responsible for the PLA’s land-based nuclear and conventional ballistic missiles. The Second Artillery Force was officially established in 1966 and given command of China’s small inventory of

  • ITOW: Research on Port Landing Operations

    "In Their Own Words" are translations from Chinese source documents In Their Own Words The “In Their Own Words” series is dedicated to translations of Chinese documents in order to help non-Mandarin speaking audiences access and understand Chinese thinking. CASI would like to thank all of those

  • Effective Control

    Effectively deterring China or, in the case of a conflict, successfully bringing the conflict to a close will require deep understanding of China’s approach to and priorities in conflict. A term with evolving significance for these issues is “effective control” [有效控制], a concept most prominently

  • Competition with China: Chinese views on Deterrence

    This video is part of CASI's "Competition with China" series. In this video, Colonel Kyle Marcum discusses China's views on deterrence. We need to understand how the Chinese think about deterrence, how they might plan to deter us, how they think we might try to deter them, and how they might react

  • China- The Challenge

    Dr. Brendan Mulvaney, the Director of China Aerospace Studies Institute talks about the challenge the United States faces in regard to China at Air University, July 15, 2022. Mulvaney described that the only real threat to U.S. leadership and global interests around the world is the People's

  • China’s Space Situational Awareness Capabilities For Beyond GEO

    This paper reviews the publicly available information on China’s existing and planned ground and space-based systems for its beyond geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO) missions.  This paper assumes that the PRC, like the U.S., has not needed a well optimized system for discovering, tracking, and

  • Chinese military thinking on orbits beyond GEO

    Written by CASI's Kristin Burke, originally published in The Space Review, available at: https://www.thespacereview.com/article/4387/1It is impossible to unlink the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC’s) military perspective on orbits beyond the geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO) from the US and former

  • Xi Jinping: Lines of Authority

         Xi Jinping is the undisputed top leader of China and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Chinese media. He regularly appears on the front pages of Chinese newspapers, has phone applications dedicated to “Xi Jinping Thought,” has dedicated sections for his speeches present on many Chinese

  • ITOW: Some Facts About Pelosi's Visit to Taiwan

    BEIJING, Aug. 24 (Xinhua) -- Some Facts About Pelosi's Visit to TaiwanIntroductionSpeaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi made a provocative visit to China's Taiwan region recently in disregard of the Chinese side's stern warnings. The visit seriously infringes on China's sovereignty

  • In Their Own Words: Lectures on the Science of Space Operations

        The “In Their Own Words” series is dedicated to translations of Chinese documents in order to help non-Mandarin speaking audiences access and understand Chinese thinking. In the “In Their Own Words” series, CASI aims to provide Chinese texts that illustrate thoughtful, clearly articulated,

  • ITOW: PLA extends ‘Taiwan encirclement’ exercises

    PLA extends ‘Taiwan encirclement’ exercises with anti-submarine warfare, showcases unrivaled area denial capability; ‘drills will not stop until reunification’By Liu Xuanzun   Published: Aug 08, 2022 12:36 PM Updated: Aug 08, 2022 08:39 PM   Warplanes of the Eastern Theater Command of the Chinese

  • China's Space Program Through The Lens of Irregular Warfare Theory

    This article  examines the question of whether the PRC is using its space program as a method of irregular warfare with the goal of neutralizing the United States as a threat to its goal of achieving global hegemony. For purposes of this paper, a campaign of irregular warfare is defined as a

  • ITOW: PRC actions in response to Speaker Pelosi's visit to Taiwan

    Foreign Ministry announces countermeasures against Pelosi2022-08-05 17:40 In response to U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi's insistence on visiting Taiwan in disregard of China's strong opposition and solemn representations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on August 5 the

  • ITOW: Unswervingly Become the Mainstay of Building a Powerful Aerospace Power

    The “In Their Own Words” series is dedicated to translations of Chinese documents in order to help non-Mandarin speaking audiences access and understand Chinese thinking. CASI would like to thank all of those involved in this effort.In the “In Their Own Words” series, CASI and its collaborators aim

  • PLA Rocket Force as a Service: New Team Player or Increasingly Irrelevant?

    CASI's Director of Research, Rod Lee, contributed an article titled, "PLA Rocket Force as a Service: New Team Player or Increasingly Irrelevant?", in the Army War College's Strategic Studies Institute's 2020 PLA conference volume in Roger Cliff and Roy Kamphausen (eds.), Enabling a More Externally