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China Aerospace Studies Institute Articles

  • ITOW: Hypersonic Vehicle Technology

         The “In Their Own Words” series is dedicated to translations of Chinese documents in order to help non-Mandarin speaking audiences access and understand Chinese thinking. CASI would like to thank all of those involved in this effort.      In the “In Their Own Words” series, CASI and its

  • Hypersonics Research Collaboration Between the United States and the PRC

    This report is the fourth in our series describing the state of research into Hypersonics in the People's Republic of China.  The first report detailed the current state of research into hypersonics in China, the second report detailed Collaboration Efforts on Hypersonic Research Between the PRC and

  • An Exploratory Analysis of the Chinese Hypersonics Research Landscape

    According to reports, China conducted tests of hypersonic glide vehicles in July and August 2021, which Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley described as “concerning.”1 China’s hypersonic weapons program has drawn significant global attention and research interests in recent years.

  • A Case Study Of The PRC's Hypersonic Systems Development

         Great Power Competition necessitates understanding with whom one is competing. It also requires understanding the breadth and depth that competition and how your competitor is progressing. Hypersonic systems are an emerging area of military technology with potentially transformative effects.

  • China's hypersonic military projects include spaceplanes and rail guns

      Full report and graphics: https://www.popsci.com/chinas-hypersonic-work-speeds-upThe nation is focusing its research and development on tech that moves faster than the speed of sound.TENGYUNThe Tengyun spaceplane, first flight scheduled around 2020, will benefit from Chinese research into

  • China's hypersonic aircraft would fly from Beijing to New York in two hours

     Full article and graphics: https://www.popsci.com/china-hypersonic-double-wing-aircraft-i-planeThe double-wing plane just aced wind tunnel tests at speeds of nearly 5,600 miles per hour.I PLANEThe hypersonic I Plane's biplane configuration is unique even for hypersonic craft.China Science PressA

  • China shot down another missile in space

     Full report and graphics: https://www.popsci.com/china-space-missile-testLike a hypersonic bullet hitting another hypersonic bullet.A HIT!On February 5, during the Chinese midcourse ABM test, the interceptor hit the target missile in space. Pictured here: the exhaust plumes from the DN-3 rocket

  • American and Chinese aircraft could be flying 4,000 miles per hour by 2030

      Full article and graphics: https://www.popsci.com/hypersonic-arms-race-china-united-statesHow China and the United States compare in the hypersonic arms raceTHE FUTURE?TRCC engines mean China could fly Mach 6 airplanes—like the one shown in this fan art—that could fly anywhere in the world in