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CASI quarterly update #1 for 2021

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CASI Quarterly update
#1 for 2021

Friends of CASI,

As we welcome Spring, we’d like to update you on CASI’s publications, research, and activities for 2021 so far.   

Current Research

  1. Joint project with JASDF Center for Air and Space Power Strategic Studies, focused on air threats to Japan
  2. Joint project with Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), focused on how China views deterrence, how they seek to implement it, and what Australia and the U.S. can do about it

Recent Publications

  1. Jiang Luming- Architect of China's Military-Civil Fusion Strategy
  2. To Rule the Invisible Battlefield: Electromagnetic Spectrum and Chinese Military Power
  3. Achieving the PLA's Strategic Support Force talent needs through MCF
  4. China’s Recent Ballistic Missile Defense Test May Have Actually Been an Anti-Satellite Test
  5. Commanders of the PLA Air Force
  6. Initial Fighter Pilot Training in the PLA Air Force
  7. China’s Ground Segment: Building the Pillars of a Great Space Power
  8. PLA Army Air Defense Units Improve Effectiveness, Resiliency, and Jointness
  9. PRC Military-Civil Fusion Lexicon
  10. Political Commissars of the PLA Air Force
  11. How China Has Integrated Its Space Program Into Its Broader Foreign Policy

Reports forthcoming:

  1. 70 Years of The People’s Liberation Army Air Force

This epic volume is the culmination of a lifetime dedicated to the study of the PLA Air Force.  The book is nearly 500 pages long and covers history, doctrine, organization, personnel, education, training, diplomacy, and more across the 70 years of the PLAAF’s existence.  The book will be available in PDF from our website, and in printed form by request.  Both PDF and requests for hard copies are available at: https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/CASI/CASI-Publications/

  1. PRC Ballistic Missile Industry


“In Their Own Words” – Translations of PRC materials

            CASI has started a new project we are calling "In Their Own Words".  The CCP and the PLA think of Mandarin characters as their first cipher, their first line of defense, in keeping their thoughts and ideas concealed from the west.  CASI is helping English speaking audiences in accessing these documents.  With a mix of expert human inputs and machine translation, CASI will be making translations of original Chinese documents available as we get them completed.  We would like to thank our 大哥 (our Big Brother) team at the China Maritime Studies Institute, the Project Everest team, and the CASI team at BluePath Labs, for all of their contributions to this effort.

  1. Upholding and Improving the System of Socialism
  2. PLA's Science of Military Strategy (2013), a significant document for the PLA. This translation was published in partnership with Project Everest
  3. China Coast Guard Law
  4. The Clean Network
  5. Report on the Cybersecurity Legislation of Major European Countries
  6. Report on the Work of the Government 2021
  7. Select Translations of the Draft China’s 14th Five-Year Plan and the Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035
  8. 2019 China’s National Defense in the New Era
  9. More available on the CASI Research Portal

Support to the Warfighter

  1. Featured presenter at two Directorate of Strategy, Integration, and Requirements staff events
  2. Featured presenter at Project Everest event
  3. Supported Directorate of Strategy, Integration, and Requirements workshop series
  4. Moderated HAF A5 “The Merge” session focused on the PRC
  5. Featured presenter at LeMay Center, Warfighting Education directorate: Joint Task Force Staff Basic Course, INDO-PACOM focus
  6. Featured presenter at 187 Fighter Wing, Dannelly Field
  7. Featured presenter at 25 Attack Group, Shaw AFB
  8. Featured presenter at 50 Attack Squadron, Shaw AFB
  9. Featured presenter at 51 Network Operations Squadron, Langley AFB
  10. Featured presenter at AF Reserve Command Professional Development Center


  1. Featured presenter for Combined Force Air Component Commander Course
  2. Featured presenter at AFFOR Senior Staff Course
  3. Featured presenter at the Joint Flag Officer Warfighting Course
  4. Taught ACSC elective, “A Primer for China Aerospace” 
  5. Taught Air War College elective
  6. Met with faculty and staff at USAFA
  7. Featured presenter at 316th OSS event
  8. Featured presenter at multiple iterations of Chief Master Sergeant Leadership Course
  9. Featured presenter at multiple iterations of SNCO Academy
  10. Featured presenter at NCO Academies--Sheppard, Lackland, Peterson, McGhee-Tyson
  11. Featured presenter at multiple iterations of Squadron Officer School
  12. Featured presenter at multiple iterations of AWC GPC Academics

Engagement and Outreach

In addition to providing support to Air Force staff, CASI has had another busy quarter supporting the USAF and the DoD, as well as our allies, partners, and friends. CASI:


  1. Continued working with PACAF, and helping advertise their “State of the Game” newsletter
  2. Participates in weekly Air Staff China synchronization group
  3. Participated in DASD-China educational series on Chinese Military Decision Making
  4. Participates in monthly OCEA events focused on China’s economy
  5. Partnering with the Air Force Culture & Language Center and the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center to develop a joint Language Intensive Training Event for Language Scholars


  1. Discussant at ICAS Winter Symposium
  2. Participated in Fudan-Miller center VTC
  3. Lead presenter at RSIS conference on PLA reorganization efforts
  4. Panelist at Secure World and Caelus Foundation event on China’s space sector
  5. Featured presenter at USCC staff event
  6. Presenter at international panel with State Councilor Wang Yi and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
  7. Interviewed by Voice of America- Mandarin service
  8. Presenter at international panel with Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi
  9. Presenters and participants in Trilateral Project series of events on Human Machine Teaming with U.K. and France

CASI continues its close relationship and holds regular meetings with the HAF and SAF representatives, making sure that our research is policy and plans relevant.


We have selected someone for our position here in D.C. and as soon as all the paperwork is complete, we will certainly publicize who will be joining us.

We have several positions at Air University open.  If you, or anyone you know, is interested, please get in touch with us.

CASI Director of Education (GS-13)

CASI Senior Researcher (GS-13)

CASI Researcher (GS-12)

Keep in contact with us:
CASI website www.airuniversity.af.mil/CASI/
Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/CASI_Research
Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/CASI.Research.Org
Link with us on LinkedIn:  www.linkedin.com/company/china-aerospace-studies-institute

As always, please feel free to send this update, or our website/ contact information, to anyone you feel might be interested in CASI or our research. Let us know if you have any thoughts, requests for support, or ideas for future papers and projects.