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CASI Quarterly update #3 for 2022

  • Published
  • China Aerospace Studies Institute

CASI Quarterly update
#3 for 2022

Friends of CASI,

            The summer was full of goodness for CASI.  We hosted yet another group of stellar cadets from USAFA.  They learned about China, the CCP, and the CCP’s armed wing, the People’s Liberation Army; and then we turned them loose to work on a project that was eventually briefed to SAF/PA, which earned them all kudos. 

CASI’s Fundamentals of the PLA Course- We have now held seven iterations of our Fundamentals of the PLA course, all to rave reviews.  We have deployed another mobile training team for the course, in addition to iterations here in the greater D.C. area. Needless to say, we are getting more requests to attend.  So, the next course will be held this Fall. 

The course is free and open to all DoD and U.S. government employees, as well as civilian contractors working for the DoD.  There is no requirement for a security clearance.  If you are interested in attending, please email us at PLA-Fundamentals@CASI-Research.Org

Upcoming Webinar- We are hosting a webinar on outcomes of the 20th Party Congress and its impact on Strategy, Policy, and the PLA.  The webinar will be held at 13:00 EDT on Wednesday 7 December.  If you are interested in participating, please let us know.

Work is well underway for the CASI Commander’s Toolkit for China.  We plan to launch this in November, as part of CSAF’s Action Order Competition.  This resource will be openly available and is intended to help all Airmen and Guardians, as well as allies, partners, and others, understand the nature of competition with China, the challenges that the PRC poses, and how China, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its armed wing, the People’s Liberation Army, are organized and focused on the future.

Recent Publications

  1. Systems and Infrastructure Needed to Enable A Chinese Crewed Lunar Landing
  2. In Jamestown’s China Brief: PLA Air Force Remedies Self-Defeating Training Culture
  3. Propensity, Conditions, and Consequences: Effective Coercion Through Understanding Chinese Thinking
  4. CASI Webinar on the PLA Air Force
  5. Understanding China’s Space Leading Small Groups— The Best Way to Determine the PLA’s Influence
  6. PLA Rocket Force as a Service: New Team Player or Increasingly Irrelevant?
  7. ITOW: Unswervingly Become the Mainstay of Building a Powerful Aerospace Power
  8. New Wine in an Old Bottle: The PLA Invokes Mao in Support of All-Domain Operations
  9. CASI Webinar on Taiwan
  10. ITOW: PRC actions in response to Speaker Pelosi's visit to Taiwan
  11. CSIS China Power podcast: The PLA at 95 and the Current Taiwan Crisis
  12. China's Space Program Through The Lens of Irregular Warfare Theory
  13. ITOW: PLA extends ‘Taiwan encirclement’ exercises
  14. ITOW: The Taiwan Question and China's Reunification in the New Era
  15. In Their Own Words: Lectures on the Science of Space Operations
  16. In War on the Rocks: People Win Wars: A 2022 Reality Check on PLA Enlisted Force and Related Matters
  17. An Assessment of People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force Survivability Training
  18. 3rd Edition of the CASI Primer on PRC Aerospace Power
  19. ITOW: Some Facts About Pelosi's Visit to Taiwan
  20. Xi Jinping: Lines of Authority
  21. ITOW: NATO is a 'Systemic Challenge' to Global Security and Stability
  22. Chinese military thinking on orbits beyond GEO
  23. China’s Space Situational Awareness Capabilities For Beyond GEO
  24. AU Video: China- The Challenge  

CASI is pleased to offer hard copies of CASI full reports for free.  Please see our website at:  for the full list and for the order form.  Please note- most of the articles and short reports are available in PDF only.


CASI’s Competition with China video series

  1.  Competition with China: Chinese views on Deterrence

Support to the Warfighter

  1. Featured presenter at Air National Guard Senior Leader Fly-In
  2. Featured presenter at AFMC Squadron Leader Orientation
  3. Hosted webinar brief in support of MAG-26
  4. Featured presenter at Senior Enlisted Summit
  5. Featured presenter at Air National Guard’s Senior Leader Fly-In forum
  6. Featured presenter at EWTGLANT course
  7. Featured presenter at Joint Flag Officer Warfighter Course
  8. Featured presenter at National Academies Army Logistics Roundtable
  9. Featured presenter at CSAF Wg/CC conference
  10. Featured presenter at PACAF's Competition Lecture Series, presented on China and ACE


  1. Delivered three PLA Fundamentals courses
  2. Delivering ACSC elective on the PLA
  3. Featured presenter for two iterations of Air Component Senior Leader’s Course
  4. Lectured on Strategic Competition w/ China to 20+ S/NCOA classes (2000+ Airmen)

 Engagement and Outreach
     In addition to providing support to Air Force staff, CASI has had another busy quarter supporting the USAF and the DoD, as well as our allies, partners, and friends. CASI:

  1. Featured guest on the Airpower and International Security Podcast
  2. Met with the German Assistant Air Attaché
  3. Featured presenter at USAF Chaplain Corps Summit
  4. Met with our JASDF counterparts
  5. Participated in the Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies (AMOS) Conference
  6. Briefed DARPA senior leadership team.
  7. Held a meeting with the new PRC Senior Defense Official/ PLA Attaché
  8. Provided support to HAF for CSAF International Air Chief Conference
  9. CASI research featured in Air Force Magazine
  10. Featured panelist for CSIS’s webinar on The Military Dimensions of the Fourth Taiwan Strait Crisis
  11. Interviewed for Globe and Mail
  12. Participated in ASPI reception with Australian Senators and members of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security
  13. Participated with AU in a booth at Air and Space Conference 2022
  14. Featured presenter at the JASDF Air Command and Staff College's 1st Air and Space Power Symposium
  15. Featured presenter at a Naval War College conference on hybrid warfare and climate change


  1. Partnership with Center for Air and Space Power Strategic Studies
  2. Continued working with the Japanese DAO


Events Attended

  1. Two events hosted by INDOPACOM’s SFG
  2. The U.S.-Australia Alliance: Aligning Priorities in the Indo-Pacific
  3. Xi's New Global Security Initiative
  4. Is China’s Military Logistics Better than the Russian Military’s
  5. The AI-Surveillance Symbiosis in China: A Big Data China Event
  6. China, the United States and the Pacific Island Countries
  7. Towards a 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis?

CASI continues its close relationship and holds regular meetings with the HAF and SAF representatives, making sure that our research is policy and plans relevant.


Josh Baughman graduated from the Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program.

MSgt Samantha Payne completed SNCO Academy as the distinguished graduate and class leader.

We have several positions open.  If you, or anyone you know, is interested, please get in touch with us.

      CASI Director of Warfighter Engagement

CASI Director of Education (at Air University)

CASI Researcher (GS-12 at NDU)

We are in the process of working through AFPC to get these positions announced.  Please keep an eye on USAJobs for further information.

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As always, please feel free to send this update, or our website/ contact information, to anyone you feel might be interested in CASI or our research. Let us know if you have any thoughts, requests for support, or ideas for future papers and projects.