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CSAF Announces CASI Toolkit for China

  • Published
  • China Aerospace Studies Institute

Understanding China is the pacing challenge as articulated in the National Defense Strategy, we must accelerate learning across the Air Force to stay ahead of the pace.  To ensure all Airmen understand China, the Chinese Communist Party, and the People's Liberation Army, their organization, training, and doctrine, I tasked our LeMay Center's China Aerospace Studies Institute (CASI) with developing a Leader’s Toolkit for China.  In support of Action Order- Competition, this Toolkit includes videos, presentations, articles, and other helpful information meant to raise our level of understanding about our pacing threat.  This Toolkit is intended to assist you, our Air Force leaders, in educating the entire force on this challenge.  CASI stands ready to assist you, your staff, and our Airmen in conducting research, developing content, and answering questions that arise in this endeavor. 

The China Toolkit can be found on their webpage at:

All USAF leaders should become familiar with and take full advantage of this valuable new resource. 

22nd Chief of Staff