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The PLA’s New Base for Space Situational Awareness—Opportunities and Challenges for the U.S.

  • Published
  • China Aerospace Studies Institute

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Strategic Support Force (SSF) has established a new base tailored for the military’s space situational awareness (SSA) needs.   While the SSF’s Base 26 called the Xi’an Satellite Tracking and Control Center and the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center will continue to perform satellite telemetry, tracking, and control (TT&C) functions for the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC’s) national satellites, Base 37 will be in charge of foreign space object identification, tracking, and analysis, to include improving the accuracy of the PRC’s domestic space object catalog. , ,   Base 37 is probably most similar to a mix of the U.S. Space Force’s Delta 4 and 6, and it also has a role in determining if PLA satellites supporting warfighters are experiencing natural or human-made interference from space.  The new base will improve the PLA’s ability to provide early warning to joint forces of incoming ballistic missiles, as well as space objects’ location, maneuvers, and operating environment.  

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