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PLA Aerospace Force Base 37

  • Published
  • China Aerospace Studies Institute

Base 37 is the PLA’s base for early warning and space situational awareness, likely now under the command of the PLA’s new Aerospace Force (PLAASF). Observable elements of Base 37 appear to be engaged in research on a wide array of space situational awareness (SSA) topics, and units directly reporting to Base 37 operate at least some of the Large-Phased Radar Array (LPAR) stations previously belonging to the PLA Air Force (PLAAF). Continued tensions between the PLAAF and the PLAASF on LPAR ownership may produce two networks of LPAR stations with overlapping roles, but different command structures, and potentially different data management systems that may complicate the PLA’s SSA capabilities.

In addition, Base 37 is engaged in research related to optical space detection, but there is little indication as of yet that Base 37 directly operates optical SSA assets. If Base 37 is going to take over foreign space object tracking, one would assume they would also absorb or build optical assets. Additional research is needed to determine if: (1) there will soon be a buildout of new optical facilities for Base 37; (2) Base 37 will rely on other organizations for tracking geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO) and other high orbits; (3) the PLA prioritizes military space preparation in low Earth orbit over GEO. Base 37 units in Qinghai and Yunnan near known optical facilities are the best places to track.

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