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CASI Quarterly update #3 for 2024

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  • China Aerospace Studies Institute

CASI Quarterly update
#3 for 2024

Friends of CASI,
            What a way to end the fiscal year!  Your CASI team ran right through the Fiscal Year and didn’t even blink.  We supported a ton of activities across the Department this quarter, and still managed to get out more research on China and the PLA.  This quarter, CASI spanned the globe for engagements and support, and it doesn’t look like it will slow down anytime soon, which is a good thing, because it means more people are paying attention to PRC-related events.  As always, feel free to reach out and let us know what we can do to support your efforts. 


            We’d like to officially welcome those who are new to our CASI team, starting with our CASI Fellows. 

            Maj Emily Gill a nuclear and missile operations officer with experience at several operational units and teaching at the USAF Weapons School.  Most recently, she served on the Air Staff before joining our team.

            Maj Katelynne “Starbuck” Baier is an intelligence officer who has supported AOC, F-16, DCGS, SOF, and space missions over the last 11 years in the Air Force. She’s a graduate of the Air Force Weapons School and a Chinese Mandarin speaker who studied abroad in China and Singapore.

            And our new Senior Enlisted Leader for Research, MSgt Jonathan Freeman-Mariani, join us this quarter as well.  He has served various missions as an adversary tactics analyst, researcher, instructor, project manager, section chief, and senior leader. He was Adjunct Faculty of the Year for National Security Agency 2019 and Director of National Intelligence’s IC Trainer of the Year in 2021.


CASI’s Fundamentals of the PLA Course:

We continue to have great interest in, and turn out for, our PLA Fundamentals Course.  This quarter we held well-attended mobile training team courses at Peterson SFB in Colorado Springs and at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, AZ.  We also held an in-house course at National Defense University (NDU) in Washington, D.C. 

The next NDU in-house PLA Fundamentals course will be December 10-12, 2024.  If you are interested in attending that course, please sign up at:

If you are interested in attending a future PLA Fundamentals course at NDU (held quarterly), please sign up using the following link:

If you are interested in hosting a mobile training team (MTT) version of the PLA Fundamentals course, please let us know and we will find open space on the calendar to support your organization.  Please be aware that due to high demand, we are already booked out through most of FY 2025, with only a few calendar openings for the full three-day course remaining.  

The PLA Fundamentals course is free to attend (TDY costs only if traveling) and open to all DoD and U.S. government employees, Allies, as well as civilian contractors working for the DoD.  There is no security clearance requirement. 


Recent Publications

  1. Chapter in edited volume,  The US-China Conflict and the Future of the International Order: The Intersecting World and Regions (米中対立と国際秩序の行方交叉する世界と地域)
  2. Contributor to Freeman Air and Space Power Institute’s report “Future Space Considerations”
  3. Assessment of 3-star and Theater Command Leader Grade Promotions
  4. Ongoing Organizational Reforms of the PLAAF
  5. PLA Aerospace Power: A Primer on Trends in China’s Military Air, Space, and Missile Forces 4th Edition
  6. USAF Should Look At China’s Future Multi-Crew Fighter Model For F-15EX
  7. Reassessment of the CMC Member grade in the PLA
  8. PLA Army Cross-Training Pilots for Combat
  9. CISTEC translation of CASI’s AVIC report
  10. Chinese Research in Space-Based Space Surveillance
  11. China Can Track GSSAP
  12. PLA Space Systems Department’s Base 37

CASI is pleased to offer hard copies of CASI full reports for free.  Please see our website at: 
for the full list and for the order form.  Please note- most of the articles and short reports are available in PDF only.

CASI’s “In Their Own Words” – Translations of PRC materials

  1. ITOW: Officer Basic Capability Training Guide


Support to the Warfighter

  1. Keynote speakers for “The China Challenge” panel at AFA main stage day 1
  2. Red Team lead, and multiple Red Team members for Long Duration Logistic Wargame
  3. Speaker at SPACECOM’s Athena Conference
  4. Speaker at 505th CCW’s ACSLC classes
  5. Speaker at USSF’s SNCOA and NCOA in July and September
  6. Distributed more than 1200 CASI “PLA-ying” Cards decks during AFA week
  7. Worked with CSAF SSG to distribute more than 10,000 decks of CASI’s PLA-ying cards to USAF wings
  8. Provided PRC-focused professional development briefing to AFLCMC
  9. Red Team Lead for AFRL Munitions Directorate Wargame at Eglin AFB
  10. Led professional development event for 226 Combat Comm Group
  11. Featured speaker at SOCOM event on countering weapons of mass destruction
  12. Met with Assistant Chief of Space Operations for Future Concepts and Partnerships
  13. Featured speaker at Deputy Assistant Secretary for Contracting leadership summit
  14. Featured speaker at Director of Mobility Forces conference
  15. Featured speaker at International Senior Enlisted Leader Summit
  16. Participant in USCG Deterrence Evergreen event
  17. Featured briefer to NATO military policy committee for Air and Missile


  1. Conducted PLA Fundamentals course at National Defense University
  2. Multiple iterations of GPC brief to Squadron Officer School
  3. Briefed China as a Strategic Competitor to cadets at ROTC Field Training
  4. Multiple iterations of ISR 200 Professional Development Classes
  5. Multiple iterations of Chief Leadership Course briefing
  6. Multiple iterations of China Brief to SNCOA
  7. Multiple iterations of China Brief for Professional Financial Management Course
  8. Provided PRC threat briefing to Air War College and Air Command & Staff College
  9. AETC/CD Immersion engagement
  10. Featured speaker at National War College lecture
  11. Featured presenter at AU iRTF
  12. Featured speaker at Joint Flag Officer Warfighter’s Course

 Engagement and Outreach
     In addition to providing support to the Department of the Air Force staff, CASI has had another busy quarter supporting the USAF and the DoD, as well as our allies, partners, and friends. CASI:

  1. Interviewed by Voice of America,
  2. Participated as a panelist at the Royal Air Force’s Global Air and Space Chiefs Conference 
  3. Met with UK Foreign Office staff
  4. Met with senior RAF officials
  5. Met with Chief of JASDF
  6. Met with former UK DAO to Beijing
  7. Met with International Institute of Strategic Studies
  8. Quoted in CNN article about China’s Spaceplane
  9. Virtual interview with Lt. Gen Shaw, retired, for introduction to AIAA ASCEND On-Orbit Service and Logistics panel
  10. Delivered lectures on Cognitive Warfare at the Foreign Service Institute
  11. Cited by Bulletin of Atomic Scientist in article  "Chinese nuclear weapons, 2024"
  12. Cited by Air and Space Forces Magazine in article "China Expert Says There’s ‘No Evidence’ PRC On a High-End War Footing"
  13. Dr. Mulvaney and Lt. Gen. Hinote on Defense & Aerospace Air Power Podcast: China Patterns
  14. Real Space Strategy Podcast: Knowing the Enemy, Understanding the Why Behind China's Quest for Space Dominance
  15. China Leans Into Startups To Drive Its Space Ambition | Aviation Week Network
  16. Participated in CSBA event supporting DOD
  17. Attended Annual Billy Fiske Foundation event at British Embassy
  18. Participated in a roundtable workshop sponsored by the US Institute of Peace, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and US Space Force Delta 13 at JHU-SAIS on “US-China Strategic Competition at the ‘Planetary Frontiers’”.



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As always, please feel free to send this update, or our website/ contact information, to anyone you feel might be interested in CASI or our research. Let us know if you have any thoughts, requests for support, or ideas for future papers and projects.