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USAF Center for Strategy & Technology Articles

  • 2011 Research Papers

    Finding the Shape of Space, by Shannon et al, July 2011 Discord or "Harmonious Society"? China in 2030, by Geis et al, Feb 2011 Failed State 2030: Nigeria - A Case Study, by Kinnan et al, Feb 2011 Going for Gold: A Path Toward Petroleum-Independence in the 2030

  • 2010 Research Papers

    2035 Biodeterrence: Problems and Promises for Biodefense, by Burke, 2010 High Power Microwaves on the Future Battlefield: Implications for U.S. Defense, by Capozzella, 2010 Cyberdeterrence in 2035: Redefining the Framework for Success, by Gloystein, 2010 Toward

  • 2009 Research Papers

    Blue Horizons II: Future Capabilities and Technologies for the Air Force in 2030, Executive Summary, by Geis et al, July 2009 Resurgent Russia in 2030: Challenge for the USAF, by Hailes et al, Sep 2009 National Energy Security and Reliance on Foreign Oil, by Dall, 2009

  • 2008 Research Papers

    Next Generation Nanotechnology Assembly Fabrication Methods: a Trend Forecast, by Vincent T. Jovene Jr, Jan 2008 Commercial Eyes in Space: Implications for US Military Operations in 2030, by Bell, March 2008 

  • 2007 Research Papers

    Acquisition Leaders for Rapid Technology Insertion Programs, by Christopher M. Coombs, Dec 2007 Improving Satellite Protection with Nanotechnology, by Joseph Huntington, Dec 2007 Biofuels: an Alternative to U.S. Air Force Petroleum Fuel Dependency, by Mark S. Danigole, Dec

  • The Air Force Blue Horizons Study

    MISSION In 2007, the Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategic Plans and Programs (AF/A8) tasked Air University to conduct a series of long range studies, now called Blue Horizons, looking 20 years into the future. Conducted by CSAT, these provide a vision for

  • Blue Horizons IDE/SDE Program

    The Blue Horizons Program at Air University is a CSAF-chartered, future-oriented study exploring military-technical and geostrategic competition and its implications for Air Force strategy and planning. The program enrolls 16-17 officers selected from the inbound ACSC and AWC classes, typically

  • USAF Center for Strategy and Technology

    CSAT was established at the Air War College in 1997. Its purpose is to engage in long-term strategic thinking about technology and its implications for U.S. national security. The Center focuses on education, research, and publications that support the integration of technology into national

  • Other Sources

    RAND Corp., Santa Monica, CA RAND National Security Research Division (NSRD) RAND National Security Research/Reports Singularity University Singularity University is an interdisciplinary university whose

  • Videos

     CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION VIDEOS   Sir Ken Robinson Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?, a TED.com video, 2006 - EXCELLENT 20 minutes Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for

  • International Resources

    Scientific and Technological Options Assessment (STOA), European Parliament, Directorate-General for Research Cambridge Project for Existential Risk Many scientists are concerned that developments in human technology may soon pose new, extinction-level risks

  • Books

      Streamlining DoD Acquisition: Balancing Schedule with Complexity, ed. by Rothenflue and Kwolek, Sep 2006 Chapter 1 - A System as the Enemy: A Doctrinal Approach to Defense Force Modernization, Occ.Paper No. 58, by Benjamin A. Drew Chapter 2 -

  • U.S. Government Research Sources

    Scientific and Technological Options Assessment (STOA), European Parliament, Directorate-General for Research Cambridge Project for Existential Risk Many scientists are concerned that developments in human technology may soon pose new, extinction-level risks

  • CSAT Favorite Research Links

    In addition to the laboratories (such as Sandia, Lawrence Livermore, Oak Ridge, Argonne, Pacific NW, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab) and the think tanks (such as CSIS, IDA, IISS, RAND, MITRE), try these CSAT favorites Armed with Science, DoD blog MIT Technology

  • Defense Science & Technology

    Armed with Science, DoD blog Testimony by GEN Paul J. Kern, USA (ret.) before the Base Realignment and Closure Commission, 7 Jul 2005 (local copy) It is no accident that DARPA, ONR, AFOSR have co-located themselves within easy walking distance of the National