2009 Research Papers Published March 1, 2017 USAF Center for Strategy and Technology, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL Blue Horizons II: Future Capabilities and Technologies for the Air Force in 2030, Executive Summary, by Geis et al, July 2009 Resurgent Russia in 2030: Challenge for the USAF, by Hailes et al, Sep 2009 National Energy Security and Reliance on Foreign Oil, by Dall, 2009 Rising Dragon: Deterring China in 2035, by Dawkins, 2009 Disaster-Proofing Senior Leadership: Preventing Technological Failure in Future Nano-War, by Day, 2009 The Air Staff of Tomorrow: Smarter, Faster, Better, by Fuller, 2009 Biodefense and Deterrence: A Critical Element in the New Triad, by Owens, 2009 Officer Education: Preparing Leaders for the Air Force of 2035, by Pearse, 2009 Net-Centric Warfare 2.0: Cloud Computing and the New Age of War, by Spalding, 2009