2012 Research Papers Published March 1, 2017 USAF Center for Strategy and Technology, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination System in Support of Global Strike in 2035, by Bowman, 2012 Cyber Capabilities for Global Strike in 2035, by Clothier, 2012 The End of Hegemony: Technologies of a New Tripolar World, by Fiorenza, 2012 Defeating Hard and Deeply Buried Targets in 2035, by Hart, 2012 Counter Electrical Generation and Distribution: An Assessment for Global Strike in 2035, by Hills, 2012 Recommendations for Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance in the Year 2035 in a Cost Constrained Environment, by Lee, 2012 Global Strike 2035: Considerations for Enabling Effective Command and Control, by Lussier, 2012 Space Based Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Contribution to Global Strike in 2035, by Stuger, 2012 Minority Report: Potential Challenges in Employing Global Strike Against Violent Non-State Actors in 2035, by West, 2012