Occasional Papers

  • Published
  • USAF Center for Strategy and Technology, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL
OP 01 Reachback Operations for Air Campaign Planning and Execution, by Scott M. Britten, Sep 1997 
OP 02 Lasers in Space: Technological Options for Enhancing US Military Capabilities, by Mark E. Rogers, Nov 1997
OP 03
Non-Lethal Technologies: Implications for Military Strategy, by Joseph Siniscalchi, Mar 1998
OP 04
Perils of Reasoning by Historical Analogy: Munich, Vietnam, and American Use of Force Since 1945, by Jeffrey Record, Mar 1998
OP 05  Lasers and Missile Defense: New Concepts for Space-based and Ground-based Laser Weapons, by William H. Possel, July 1998
OP 06   Weaponization Of Space: Understanding Strategic and Technological Inevitabilities, by Thomas D. Bell, Jan 1999
OP 07  Legal Constraints on Information Warfare, by Mark R. Shulman, Mar 1999  
OP 08  Serbia and Vietnam: A Preliminary Comparison of U.S. Decisions to Use Force, by Jeffrey Record, May 1999 
OP 09
Airborne and Space-Based Lasers: An Analysis of Technological and Operational Compatibility, by Kenneth W. Barker, June 1999 
OP 10 Directed Energy and Fleet Defense: Implications for Naval Warfare, by William J. McCarthy, May 2000
OP 11  High Power Microwaves: Strategic and Operational Implications for Warfare, by Eileen M. Walling, Feb 2000 
OP 12  Reusable Launch Vehicles and Space Operations, by John E. Ward Jr., May 2000 
OP 13 Cruise Missiles and Modern War: Strategic and Technological Implications, by David J. Nicholls, May 2000 
OP 14  Deeply Buried Facilities: Implications for Military Operations, by Eric M. Sepp, May 2000
OP 15
Technology and Command: Implications for Military Operations in the Twenty-first Century, by William B. McClure, July 2000
OP 16 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Implications for Military Operations, by David Glade, July 2000
OP 17 Computer Networks and Information Warfare: Implications for Military Operations, by David J. Gruber, July 2000
OP 18 Failed States and Casualty Phobia: Implications for Force Structure and Technology Choices, by Jeffrey Record, Sep 2000 
OP 19 War as We Knew It: The Real Revolution in Military Affairs/Understanding Paralysis in Military Operations, by Jan S. Breemer, Dec 2000
OP 20 Using Lasers in Space:Laser Orbital Debris Removal and Asteroid Deflection, by Jonathan W. Campbell, Dec 2000
OP 21  Weapons for Strategic Effect: How Important Is Technology? Colin S. Gray, Jan 2001  
OP 22  U. S. Army Apache Helicopters and U. S. Air Force Expeditionary Forces: Implications for Future Military Operations, by Brad Mason, June 2001  
OP 23 The End of Secrecy? Military Competitiveness in the Age of Transparency, by Beth M. Kaspar, Aug 2001  
OP 24 Prompt Global Strike Through Space: What Military Value? Larry G. Sills, Aug 2001  
OP 25  Precision Engagement at the Strategic Level of War: Guiding Promise or Wishful Thinking? Timothy J. Sakulich, Dec 2001  
OP 26  Infrared Systems for Tactical Aviation: An Evolution in Military Affairs? George B. Hept, Jan 2002  
OP 27 Unmanned Undersea Vehicles and Guided Missile Submarines: Technological and Operational Synergies, by Edward A. Johnson, Jr, Feb 2002  
OP 28  Attack Operations for Missile Defense, by Merrick E. Krause, May 2002  
OP 29  Death by a Thousand Cuts: Micro-Air Vehicles in the Service of Air Force Missions, by Arthur F. Huber II, July 2002  
OP 30  Sustained Space Superiority: a National Strategy for the United States, by Larry J. Schaefer, Aug 2002 
OP 31  Hyperspectral Imagery: Warfighting through a Different Set of Eyes, by Paul J. Pabich, Oct 2002  
OP 32  Directed Energy Weapons on the Battlefield: a New Vision for 2025, by John P. Geis II, Apr 2003  
OP 33  Homeland Security and the Coast Guard: Postured for Technology Improvements, by Arthur C. Walsh, June 2003  
OP 34  Non-Lethal Weapons: Setting Our Phasers on Stun? Potential Strategic Blessings and Curses of Non-Lethal Weapons on the Battlefield, by Erik L. Nutley, Aug 2003  
OP 35  Aircrew Performance: Cutting-Edge Tech, by Kris M. Belland, Sep 2003  
OP 36  Centralized Control with Decentralized Execution: Never Divide the Fleet?, by Daniel F. Baltrusaitis, June 2004  
OP 37  The Decision Maker's Guide to Robust, Reliable and Inexpensive Access to Space, by Gary N. Henry, July 2004  
OP 38  Global Mobility: Anywhere, Anytime, Any Threat? Countering the MANPADS Challenge, by Jacqueline D. van Ovost, Dec 2005  
OP 39  Strategies for Defeating Commercial Imaging Systems, by Stephen Latchford, Dec 2005  
OP 40  Network Warfare Operations: Unleashing the Potential, by Richard A. Lipsey, Nov 2005 
OP 41  Network-centric Operations: Challenges and Pitfalls, by Eric E. Silbaugh, Nov 2005  
OP 42  Network-enabled Precision Guided Munitions , by Benjamin F. Koudelka Jr., Nov 2005  
OP 43 Lowering the High Ground: Using Near-Space Vehicles for Persistent C3ISR, by Andrew J. Knoedler, Nov 2005  
OP 44 Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles: SEAD and EW for the Future, by James C. Horton, Nov 2005  
OP 45  Small Power: The Role of Micro and Small UAVs in the Future, by James M. Abatti, Nov 2005  
OP 46  Pesky Critters, by Kirk M. Kloepple, Nov 2005  
OP 47  Pandora’s Box Opened Wide: UAVs Carrying Genetic Weapons, by Daryl J. Hauck, Nov 2005  
OP 48  Perfecting War: Searching for the Silver Bullet , by Eric J. Schnitzer, Nov 2005
OP 49  Who Pushes the Pickle Button?, by John E. Marselus, Nov 2005  
OP 50 Leveraging Simulation Against the F-16 Flying Training Gap, by Shaun R. McGrath, Nov 2005 
OP 51  Electromagnetic Pulse Threats in 2010, by Colin R. Miller, Nov 2005  
OP 52  Ground Truth: The Implications of Joint Interdependence for Air and Ground Operations, by L. Ross Roberts, Mar 2006  
OP 53 “Heads, Not Tails:” How Best To Engage Theater Ballistic Missiles?, by Ronald C. Wiegand, Feb 2006  
OP 54  Transcendental Terrorism And Dirty Bombs: Radiological Weapons Threat Revisited, by Chad Brown, Feb 2006  
OP 55  International Arament Cooperative Programs: Benefits, Liabilities, and Self-Inflicted Wounds – The JSF As A Case Study, by Stephen G. Di Domenico, Feb 2006  
OP 56  War Without Oil: A Catalyst For True Transformation, by Michael J. Hornitschek, Feb 2006  
OP 57  The Seductive Effects of an Expeditionary Mindset, by Michael Arnold, Feb 2007  
OP 58 thru 60  were consolidated into the book Streamlining DoD Acquisition: Balancing Schedule with Complexity
OP 61  The Air Force in silico - Computational Biology in 2025, by Christopher Coates, Nov 2007  
OP 62  Biofuels: an Alternative to U.S. Air Force Petroleum Fuel Dependency, by Mark S. Danigole, Dec 2007  
OP 63  Air Force and the Cyberspace Mission Defending the Air Force's Computer Network in the Future, by Shane P. Courville, Dec 2007  
OP 64  Next Generation Nanotechnology Assembly Fabrication Methods: a Trend Forecast, by Vincent T. Jovene Jr, Jan 2008  
OP 65  Blue Horizons II: Future Capabilities and Technologies for the Air Force in 2030, Executive Summary, by Geis et al, July 2009 
OP 66  Resurgent Russia in 2030: Challenge for the USAF, by Hailes et al, Sep 2009  
OP 67  Failed State 2030: Nigeria - A Case Study, by Kinnan et al, Feb 2011  
OP 68  Discord or "Harmonious Society"? China in 2030, by Geis et al, Feb 2011  
OP 69  Finding the Shape of Space, by Shannon et al, July 2011