CSAT Favorite Research Links Published Feb. 27, 2017 USAF Center for Strategy and Technology, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL In addition to the laboratories (such as Sandia, Lawrence Livermore, Oak Ridge, Argonne, Pacific NW, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab) and the think tanks (such as CSIS, IDA, IISS, RAND, MITRE), try these CSAT favorites Armed with Science, DoD blog MIT Technology Review Acceleration Studies Foundation (ASF) Arlington Institute Ars Technica Wired NewScientist.com Foresight Institute - "promoting transformative technologies" DARPA Technology thrusts airforce-technology.com - "news, views, and contacts from the global Air Force industry" Aviation Week web site National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) Under Sec Def for Acquistion, Technology and Logistics website Biotechnology Industry Organization US government nanotechnology website BioSpace biotech website National Research Council website (all the national academies linked)