

  • Published
  • Center for Strategic Deterrence Studies, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL

Lieutenant Colonel Nicole J. London is the Director, U.S. Air Force Center for Strategic Deterrence Studies. She graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington in 2007 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and from Arizona State University in 2015 with a Master of Arts degree in Criminal Justice.  She is a career Missile Operations officer with experience in ICBM ops.  She also has experience with NATO Dual Capable Aircraft Ops serving at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe in the Nuclear Operations branch, as the Chief of Nuclear Evaluations Mons, Belgium.  She was deployed to Resolute Support as Executive Officer to the commander of the 9th Air and Space Expeditionary Task Force Commander – Afghanistan and NATO Air Command – Afghanistan in Kabul, Afghanistan.  She has served in key staff positions at Air Force Global Strike Command as Branch Chief in the Command-and-Control Support Branch and as Executive Officer and Nuclear Inspector to the Inspector General.  She was stationed at the ICBM Schoolhouse at Vandenberg Air Force Base as a Flight Commander and Instructor.  She is a Joint Qualified Officer and AETC Master Instructor.  

Mr. Ellis is a WMD/Homeland Security analyst at the USAF Center for Strategic Deterrence Studies located on Maxwell AFB, AL. He specializes in WMD terrorism, homeland security, and disaster/emergency management issues. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Maryland in Asian Studies/government and politics, a Master of Public Administration degree from the University of Oklahoma, and a Master's degree in International Relations. He completed specialized courses at the Defense Nuclear Weapons School, US Army Chemical School, and USAF Special Operations School. Mr. Ellis has developed and taught WMD and Asymmetric Warfare related topics for the Air Force Institute of Technology, Senior NCO Academy, and the Ira C. Eaker College for Professional Development's Air Force Incident Management course. As an Air War College faculty member, he has taught elective courses such as Asymmetric Warfare Issues, International Rivals, and WMD Issues for the USAF. He was the course director for a two term Nuclear Threats, Countermeasures, and Enterprise research elective, and is currently the Homeland Security and Defense elective course director. His other interests are the study of globalization, the undeveloped world, irregular warfare, and homeland security. He co-edited the USAF Counterproliferation Center's 2011 book titled Tailored Deterrence: Influencing States and Groups of Concern and authored a chapter on "National Resilience as a Deterrence Factor." He also co-authored with Randall J. Larsen a chapter titled "Securing the Homeland: The First Decade," found in the book Avoiding the Abyss: Progress, Shortfalls, and the Way Ahead in Combating the WMD Threat, published by Praeger Security International in 2006.