Know Thy Enemy II: A Look at The World's Most Threatening Terrorist Network and Criminal Gangs, 2007

  • Published
  • Kindt, Lt Col Michael T., Post, Dr. Jerold M., and Schneider, Dr. Barry R.
  • Know Thy Enemy II: A Look at The World's Most Threatening Terrorist Network and Criminal Gangs, 2007

    Know Thy Enemy II: A Look at The World's Most Threatening Terrorist Network and Criminal Gangs, 2007

    Edited by Lt Col Michael T. Kindt, Dr. Jerold M. Post and Dr. Barry R. Schneider, USAF Counterproliferation Center, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL 
    Terrorist organizations and international criminal networks pose an increasingly severe danger to US security. Who are these rivals who threaten us? What do they want to achieve? This book looks at diverse groups such as Al Qaeda, its jihadist fellow travelers as well as Hezbollah and its terrorist sponsor, Iran. Other chapters examine Hamas, Jemaah Islamiyah, the FARC, the Mexican drug cartels, and the criminal gang, Mara Salvatrucha 13. Pakistan, where jihadists pose an extreme security threat, is another focus as is a chapter on terrorist WMD threats. This look at sub-state rivals is recommended to all serious students of international security.

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125 Chennault Circle Maxwell AFB, AL 36112