

  • Published
  • Center for Strategic Deterrence Studies, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL
The issues are organized as a sub-set of the Air University's FY13 Strategic Issues List, and include selected topic areas from the USAF Institute for National Security Studies' FY15 list of research topics. If you are interested in publishing on a specific topic for the CSDS, this list provides a starting point.

Prior to submitting a manuscript, authors should provide information on the topic in a proposal and ensure the paper is written for Air Force senior leaders. Submissions from AU faculty and students will be considered before those authors external to AU. Submitted manuscripts must be complete (rather than proposals) and in an electronic format (preferably as an unformatted Microsoft Word document). Submissions are evaluated for originality, contribution to a significant national security issue, and appropriateness for the CSDS mission and goals.

Submissions for Trinity Site Papers should be between 3,000 and 5,000 words. Submissions for the Future Warfare Series should be between 15,000 - 30,000 words. Manuscripts submitted to the CUWS must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. With the exception of contracted writing commissioned by CUWS or AU Press, no payment or royalty can be made to authors.


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