
Cooperative Security

  • Published
  • Center for Strategic Deterrence Studies

Cooperative Security is defined as the set of continuous, long-term integrated, comprehensive actions among a broad spectrum of U.S. and international governmental and nongovernmental partners that maintains or enhances stability, prevents or mitigates crises, and enables other operations when crises occur. Military activities undertaken in support of Cooperative Security might include security assistance training, security cooperation activities, mil-to-mil senior leader and staff talks and exchanges, regional cooperation efforts, bilateral and multilateral exercises, and formal arrangements for the use of facilities, basing, or transit of forces. (Military Contributions to Cooperative Security Joint Operating Concept, 2008)

The U.S. government, U.S. allies, and international and nongovernmental agencies conduct a wide range of activities to prevent the proliferation of materiel or technologies associated with the development and acquisition of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons. The U.S. military participates in these international efforts by supporting arms control efforts, conducting counter-WMD operations and exercises with other nations, providing security assistance, building coalitions, and promoting interoperability for counter-WMD operations. DoD supports the Proliferation Security Initiative through WMD interdiction exercises and operations with coalition countries. By strengthening our partners and allies, adversaries considering the use of WMD are deterred and the burden on U.S. military to respond to overseas CBRN incidents is decreased.

Below is a list of documents that provide more information on Cooperative Security.

National Security Strategy, 2015

Proliferation Security Initiative (Dept of State)

Arms Control Treaties and Agreements (Dept of State)

NonProliferation Treaties and Agreements (Dept of State)



Proliferation Security Initiative (Dept of Defense)

Defense Security Cooperation Agency

Joint Publication 3-03, Joint Interdiction

DoD Instruction 2000.21, Foreign Consequence Management

DoD Directive 2060.01, Implementation of, and Compliance with, Arms Control

DOD Directive 5132.03, DoD Policy and Responsibilities Relating to Security Cooperation

Military Contribution to Cooperative Security Joint Operating Concept, 2008



Air Force Policy Directive 16-6, Arms Control Agreements