China's ChatGPT War
Earlier this year Microsoft Co-Founder Bill Gates stated ChatGPT, “will change our world” and is “as significant as the invention of the internet” in an interview with German business daily Handelsblatt. In the interview he focused on the way ChatGPT could impact the workplace. Others, however, are looking at how ChatGPT-like programs using Generative AI could impact warfighting. During an online interview in June with the Center for a New American Security, Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall stated he has asked his Scientific Advisory Board to “look at the generative AI technologies like ChatGPT and think about the military applications of them”. The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has also set up Task Force Lima to leverage the possibilities of integrating AI systems into defense technologies. Secretary Kendall and the DoD are not alone in considering the military applications of ChatGPT. Over the past few months China’s People’s Liberation Army media has published a multitude of articles on the topic.