Who We Are

The Academic Resource & Collaboration (ARC) office is staffed by our Academic Instructor Course (AIC) facilitators and our Training Specialists. With over 50 years of combined education experience, the ARC team is credentialed and equipped to support Eaker Center functional/leadership schools with all phases of Instructional Systems Development (ISD). 

Additionally, ARC team members are certified facilitation coaches who are available to facilitate working group sessions for course improvements, and team building events. Team members have advanced graduate and post-graduate degrees in education, curriculum development and instruction as well as specialization in educational leadership and administration.  

Collaborate with ARC to enhance student-centered approaches to instruction, transition competencies, and gain access to facilitation tools and skills that are grounded in peer-reviewed research.

"Let ARC know how to support your mission. Tailored professional development/workshops are available upon request. Contact us for more information or for access to our support materials and recourses."


Contact Us

If you are interested in learning more or in requesting someone to facilitate any of the ISD phases, lesson plans, etc., please call 334-953-7619 or email one of our team members:

Lisa Turner (Course Director) donna.turner.1@us.af.mil

Leah Watkins leah.watkins@us.af.mil


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