The Force Support Professional Development School (FSPDS) belongs to Air University’s Ira C. Eaker Center for Leadership Development. FSPDS delivers Professional Continuing Education to Total Force officer, civilian, and enlisted populations across the A1 community and beyond. FSPDS courses reach more than 2000 students annually through both in-residence and distance learning platforms. The Force Support Development Team provides PCE in the areas of FSS leadership development, Occupational Competencies, Contingency Operations, Mortuary Operations, Civilian Personnel functional and leadership training, and Manpower Staff Officer preparation. The Installation Support Development Team provides PCE in the areas of Sexual Assault and Prevention Response, Resiliency, Military and Family Readiness, Protocol, and Violence Prevention. The Program Support Team supports every FSPDS course and team member in the areas of funding, scheduling, logistics, technology integration, curriculum validation, and staff development.

Each FSPDS Team and Member contributes to realizing the School’s Mission and Vision:


Design: Functional Professional Continuing Education

Deliver: Student-Focused Experience

Develop: DAF and A1 Enterprise Warfighters

Fight's On!


A1's foremost educational institution ... equipping Warfighters to think critically, act strategically, and lead decisively.


Director, Force Support Professional Development School
Eaker Center for Leadership Development
525 Chennault Circle, Bldg. 1404 
Maxwell AFB AL 36112

*For more information on how to apply for FSPDS courses, see the Force Support Professional Development School Community page within milSuite: 


FSPDS Related School