Prepare attendees for duty as Wing Commanders, Deputy Wing Commanders, Group Commanders, Senior Materiel Leaders, Wing Commander and Deputy Wing Commander Spouses, Incident Commanders and Emergency Operations Center Directors; develop, schedule, and conduct tailored courses that help attendees deal with critical leadership and management issues.

The Commanders’ Professional Development School is responsible for conducting CSAF-mandated Wing, Deputy Wing, and Group Commander pre-command training; Wing and Deputy Wing Commander spouse training, and incident management training through professional continuing education for the Air Force. Yearly, over 1100 students participate in the school's professional continuing education courses at Maxwell AFB, AL and at worldwide locations. The Commanders’ Professional Development School offers ten courses.


MLMDC-800 USAF Wing Command Team Course
MLMDC-876 USAF Spouses’ Seminar
MLMDC-871 USAF Maintenance Group Commanders’ Course
MLMDC-872 USAF Medical Group Commanders’ Course
MLMDC-810 USAF Mission Support Group Commanders’ Course
MLMDC-875 USAF Operations Group Commanders’ Course
MLMDC-874 USAF Senior Materiel Leader Course
MLMDC-813 USAF Emergency Operations Center Director Course
MLMDC-877 USAF Senior Leader Mission Generation Course
MLMDC-878 USAF Group Team Course
MLMDC-901 USAF Wing Executive-level Response Course
MLMDC-850 Leader Development Course for Squadron Command

If you are scheduled to attend one of our courses, please contact the Commanders' Professional Development School at: (334) 953-7716/DSN493-7716.



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