The Defense Decision Support Course (DDSC)

  • Published
  • Ira C. Eaker Center for Leadership Development, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL

NOTE: DDSC will not offer classes during FY21 due to on-going COVID-19 travel restrictions and overall DFM&CS curriculum reviews. 

TARGET AUDIENCE: DoD financial managers with some level of financial management experience and a positive attitude! All grades/ranks are welcome. To increase the effectiveness of this class, the faculty divides students into small groups maximizing diversity of experience.

PREREQUISITES: Basic computing, word-processing and presentation software knowledge (Microsoft Office products). Understand group dynamics and work well in teams.



COURSE DESCRIPTION: The DDSC teaches financial managers critical thinking and the decision support model through interactive case studies and practical exercises. Students work in small groups to analyze problem sets and develop and communicate recommendations to decision maker role players. Students selected for this course should be ready and willing to adapt their current thinking and communication strategies with the goal of delivering better outcomes.

GOAL OF THE DEFENSE DECISION SUPPORT COURSE (DDSC): Familiarize students with a decision support model through experiential learning to prepare graduates to advise senior leaders. Students will: 1) develop awareness and enhance skills in using decision support techniques, 2) understand the impact of interpersonal skills on decision support roles, 3) broaden awareness of financial management tools that enhance decision support, 4) comprehend decision support concepts and the impact on senior leaders, and 5) learn to apply decision support processes in their organization.

WHAT TO EXPECT AT THE DEFENSE DECISION SUPPORT COURSE:  Each class has ~40 students that are divided into small groups (seminars) of ten or less. Students will complete most activities and requirements as a seminar. Normal class hours are 0730-1630, but some additional time outside of duty hours may be required to complete assignments and group projects.