AF Supervisory & Management Continuum

  • Published
  • Ira C. Eaker Center for Professional Development, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL

Air Force Personnel Professional Development School provides civilian Supervisory, Managerial and Leadership Development to comply with the NDAA 2010 and 5 CFR 412.201 as well as DoD and OPM Manager and Supervisory framework requirements

The following is a list of courses currently comprising the Supervisory and Managerial continuum: 

 USAF New Supervisor USAF Experienced Supervisor  USAF New Manager 
USAF Experienced Manager USAF Senior Manager  Military Personnel Management Course


For instructions on how to register for any of these courses, please refer to this step-by-step guide.


USAF New Supervisor 

USAF New Supervisor

Throughput: Up to 6K annually Target Population: Based on Supv Status Length: 36 hrs

Description: Designed to provide new USAF supervisors with the knowledge, and practical skills in interpersonal communications, goal setting, coaching, developing self and employees, team building, conflict management, and transitioning to roles of management and leadership. The course satisfies 5 CFR 412.201 federal law requirement for systematic development of supervisors.

USAF Experienced Supervisor 

USAF Experienced Supervisor w/Precision Learning Assessment Capability

Throughput: Up to 8K annually Target Population: Based on Supv Status Length: 4-20 hrs

Description: The course satisfies 5 CFR 412.201 federal law requirement for periodic refreshing of supervisor knowledge.  Course includes a Precision Learning Assessment tool, which allows students to “test out” and receive immediate remediation on “missed” areas. If needed (or desired) after remediation, 20 hour seminar available.

 USAF New Manager

USAF New Manager

Throughput: Up to 600 annually Target Population: Based on Supv/Mgr Status Length: 27 hrs

Description: Designed to educate experienced supervisors and to prepare them for the transition to becoming a manager. The course satisfies 5 CFR 412.201 federal law requirement for systematic development of supervisors as they transition to becoming a manager.

 USAF Experienced Manager

USAF Experienced Manager

Throughput: Up to 600 annually Target Population: Based on Supv/Mgr Status Length: 24 hrs

Description: Designed to enhance AF institutional competencies that experienced managers and 2nd level supervisors need to manage themselves, others, and organizational systems.

 USAF Senior Manager

USAF Senior Manager

Throughput: Up to 181 a year Target Population: Based on Supv/Mgr Status Length: 4-6 hrs

Description: Designed to provide SESs with a brief, but focused overview of the Institutional Competencies required by the USAF. The course will consist of a Precision Learning Assessment tool, which allows “test out” and immediate remediation on “missed” areas. In addition, through the use of Executive Summaries, includes targeted discussions and continued feedback. 

 Military Personnel Management Course

Military Personnel Management Course

Throughput: Up to 600 annually Target Population: Based on Supv Status Length: 16 hrs

Description: Designed to provide essential knowledge-based training for civilian personnel who supervise military personnel. Training covers sources of authority governing military personnel management, unique aspects of military Airmen, and career management issues. Course provides essential information, policies, and procedures and where to go for resources to use in each of these areas