DFM&CS Vision: "Ready and Relevant"...a DoD Financial Management Education Center of Excellence teaching critical thinking, professional engagement, and strategic advisement to financial managers supporting decision makers and warfighters.
DFM&CS Mission: Deliver timely and relevant advanced and intermediate level education to DoD and Department of the Air Force financial management communities.
We teach three courses at DFM&CS: the Defense Financial Management Course (DFMC), the Defense Decision Support Course (DDSC), and the Department of the Air Force Professional Financial Management Course (PFMC). DFMC is a joint, three-week, advanced-level FM course taught at Maxwell AFB, Alabama. Students complete baseline prerequisite distance learning requirements enabling higher-level, experience-driven learning outcomes. DDSC is a joint, mobile-training, four-day course taught at locations around the world. PFMC is a 14 day Department of the Air Force course taught at Maxwell AFB, with prerequisite distance learning requirements.
We strive to maintain relevancy by linking financial management competencies to leadership and human domain competencies through complex, real-world scenarios. DFM&CS uses resident and adjunct faculty, along with guest speakers, to provide a robust curriculum that includes enhanced financial management principles and current issues; critical thinking; strategic orientation; conflict resolution; fiscal law; leadership; decision support; and fiduciary responsibilities.
We hope to build a robust, persistent relationship with our students that lasts the length of a career. To do this, our focus is on the student experience where we aim to provide a challenging, yet personally gratifying learning environment that continues even after graduation. We know this will become a reality through our students' active engagement.
"Ready and Relevant!"