Leading Inclusively Virtual Experience (LIVE) Successes


The LIVE program is a modernized learning tool that consists of a mixed virtual reality experience that uses a combination of interactive scenarios with authentic, real-time dialogue to challenge individuals to engage in difficult Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) conversations.


  • Following the first beta facilitator course offered June 2022, AU/Eaker has executed five facilitator courses and trained 101 facilitators. Eight total courses for FY23 will yield 203 trained LIVE facilitators by the end of FY23.
  • Four DEIA scenarios exist in the current LIVE scenario portfolio including the following topics: Lactation Breaks, Female PME Consideration, Disparities in Promotion Rates, Spoken Accent Bias. - 87% of participants in the field, either agree, or strongly agree that “LIVE provided me necessary insights into engaging in conversations to foster inclusion, cultural competency, bias literacy and talent management.”
  • In 2022, AU/Eaker conducted four highly DAF-visible program demonstrations at the DAF/ITC, the DAF DEIA Conference, The Air, Space and Cyber Symposium, and the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC).
    • These demonstrations and the increased pool of trained LIVE facilitators have gained the program momentum and interest across the DAF.
  • In November 2022, A LIVE session was conducted for the members of the USSF Force Modernization Inter-Service Transfer Board.
  • January 2022 was the first month the demand for LIVE sessions exceeded availability.
  • The AETC Squadron Commander’s course offered a LIVE session in January 2023.

Continued growth:

  • Course 23B trained two First Sergeant Academy (FSA) cadre to implement LIVE into FSA curriculum. 2
  • Space Force has led the way in session execution, performing 50 sessions to-date.
  • The program is funded by SAF/DI.
    • Projected requirements for FY24 will increase capacity to offer 2,100 sessions annually.
    • End of FY24 will yield 363 total trained facilitators, and a library of 24 total scenarios.

Other considerations:

  • The LIVE program is continuing to mature and expand based on demand and user feedback.
  • Foundational documents and future FY requirements are still in coordination.
  • LIVE facilitator nominees must possess the critical thinking, emotional intelligence, public speaking ability, and empathetic listening skills to continue to deliver difficult DEIA discussions with success.


As LIVE rollout continues to focus on a target audience of front-line supervisors, leadership teams and professional development opportunities, the DAF will continue to reach key-influencers. Engaging in these difficult conversations, with trained facilitators, will promote empathetic listening, respectful discourse and address exclusive behaviors in a way to influence cultural change.