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Academic Affairs
Doctrine Development and Education
Curtis E. LeMay Center for Doctrine Development and Education
Enlisted Education
Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education
--Airman Leadership School
--NCO Academy
--Air Force Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Academy
--USAF Chief Master Sergeant Leadership Course
--Air Force Enlisted Heritage Research Institute
--Enlisted PME Instructor Course
AF Global College
--Community College of the Air Force
Officer Education
Squadron Officer School
Air Command and Staff College
Air War College
AF Global College
International Officer School
School of Advanced Air and Space Studies
Air Force Institute of Technology
Air Force Fellows
Leadership & Professional Development
Ira C. Eaker Center for Leadership Development
--Air Force Chaplain Corps College
--Air Force First Sergeant Academy
--Civilian Leadership Development School
--Commanders School
--Defense Financial Management & Comptroller School
--Force Support Professional Development School
--Leadership & Innovation Institute
Academic Centers
Air Force Culture and Language Center
Air Force Negotiation Center
USAF Center for Strategic Deterrence Studies
USAF Center for Strategy and Technology
Academic Services
Air University Press
- Æther Journal of Strategic Airpower & Spacepower
- Air & Space Operations Review
Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs (JIPA)
Journal of the Americas
Revista Profesional de la Fuerza Aérea de EUA, Continente Americano
Revista Profissional da Força Aérea dos EUA, Continente Americano
Journal of Military Conflict Transformation (JMCT)
Wild Blue Yonder Digital Journal
Air University Library
AU Research Topics
Air Force Historical Research Agency
Research Search Engines
China Aerospace Studies Institute
Deterrence Research Knowledge Center
Office of Sponsored Programs
Human Research Protection Program
Air University Educational Support Services
Air University Distance Learning
Air University Learner Portal (CaC Required)
Air University Canvas Login
Getting Started Using Your CAC
Air Force Distance Learning
Air Force Libraries (CAC Required)
Air Force myLearning (CAC Required)
Digital University
Air Force Virtual Education Center (AFVEC)
Culture and Language Course
AFH1 & Enlisted Promotion Study Guides
Foundational Resources
A+ Toolkit: Enhancing K-12 Education
Teaching and Learning Center
Chaplain's Thought of the Week
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AU Learner Portal
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Foundational Resources
These resources equip Airmen with information needed to become highly trained, educated, and adaptable to the threats our competitors present, and the significant role every Airman plays for the mission to be successful.
The “Brown Book”
The “Brown Book”
The “Blue Book”
The “Blue Book”
The “Purple Book”
The “Purple Book”
Building on The Enlisted Force Structure, The "Brown Book," which provides Airmen a roadmap of future roles and responsibilities, Prepping the Line is an initiative to help guide and prepare Airmen for their new roles and to be force multipliers for the Air Force and their units. The Air Force Job Qualification Standard’s (AFJQS) below offer a framework of tangible tasks that measure an Airman's ability to effectively serve in front line leadership roles in the United States Air Force as well as to represent the USAF in Joint Positions. It will bridge the gap between Enlisted Professional Military Education (PME) and on the job experience, allowing for individuals stepping into these new roles to develop some key skills, knowledge, and abilities prior and during the assumption of responsibilities
Supervisor JQS
NCOIC / Section Chief JQS
Flight Chief JQS
Joint JQS
Provide Feedback
Doctrine Speaks
AFDP-1: The Air Force
AFDP-1: The Air Force
AFDP-1: Who We Are
AFDP-1: Who We Are
AFDP-1: What We Do
AFDP-1: What We Do
AFDP-1: How We Do It
AFDP-1: How We Do It
AFDP-1: Why We Fight
AFDP-1: Why We Fight
Policy Updates
The People-focused Policy Updates page is a one-stop-shop and ever-growing resource for all Airmen to find the latest policy articles, guidance and letters from the Department of the Air Force's senior leadership including the SECAF, CSAF and CMSAF..