CY23-153 Waiver to AFROTCI 36-2011V3 Chapter 17

  • Published
  • Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps

AFROTC/RR, as OPR for AFROTCI 36-2011V3, para 17.4.3., waives the requirement for AFROTC Detachments to collect and send accessed officer transcripts to AFIT Academic Coding Branch (AFIT), and submits the following solution which will be codified into the next revision of the aforementioned instruction and AFROTC Form 64.  This new process is directed by AU/CC to mitigate issues with over 4,000 DAF officers not having baccalaureate information on their SURF due to various circumstances.

Prior to commissioning, AFROTC Detachments will notify the newly accessed DAF officer of the requirement to provide their transcript(s) to the AFIT Academic Coding Branch.  Do this by instructing the officer to have their institution's registrar email official transcripts to AFIT ( or send an unopened copy of official transcripts by mail (AFIT Academic Coding Branch, 2950 Hobson Way, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7765) no later than 30 days after receipt of the EAD orders.  Detachments, pending a change to AFROTC Form 64, should read Item 34 as follows: "Was member notified to have transcript sent to AFIT via official university registrar system or by mail within 30 days of receiving their orders?" A pen and ink update to AFROTC Form 64 is acceptable for this item.