Welcome to Air Force Officer Training School

  • Published
  • Officer Training School, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL

Colonel Derrick J. Iwanenko Colonel Derrick J. Iwanenko
Commandant, OTS

Officer Trainee,

Congratulations on your selection to attend the Department of the Air Force Officer Training School (OTS). You are about to embark on one of the most transformational leadership development experiences within the profession of arms. Our mission is to develop Warrior-Minded Leaders of Character committed to our oath, values, and creed.  As warriors, you must demonstrate and prove your moral courage, physical courage, resilience, and a hardiness of spirit to serve and lead in the profession of arms.   OTS is purposefully challenging, standards are high, and training intentionally rigorous, so prepare mentally and physically for the demanding environment you will enter.  Study and apply the Welcome Guide to maximize your effectiveness and advance your team’s success at OTS.


Always with Honor!


Command Team, Officer Training School 
Colonel Derrick J. Iwanenko
Colonel Roxanne T. Toy
Chief Master Sergeant Aaron W. Gufford

Warrior-Minded Leader of Character