Field Studies Program

  • Published
  • International Officer School, Maxwell AFB, AL

The Field Studies Program (FSP) is congressionally mandated with authorities derived from USC Title 22. The goal is to ensure that international students return to their homelands with an understanding of the responsibilities of governments, militaries, and citizens to protect, preserve, and respect the rights of every individual. The Field Studies Program is developed and implemented with the specific objective of promoting an understanding of U.S. society, institutions and ideals, as well as the way in which these elements reflect U.S. commitment to basic principles of internationally recognized human rights. To achieve this objective, the Field Studies Program will provide students with an understanding of the following facets of American life:

Human rights. U.S. commitment to basic principles of internationally recognized human rights as reflected in United Nations General Assembly Resolution 217 A (III), "Universal Declaration of Human Rights," and The Constitution of the United States of America. This aspect of American life shall be emphasized in conjunction with all subsequent Field Studies Program topics. photo of dr. martin luther king jr. speech 
Diversity & American Life. How the United States fosters political, economic, and social pluralism; the geographic, religious, and social diversity of American life; progress in applying American ideals to ethnic minorities and women, including how they address gender-based violence. How American Families live and work in cities, towns and rural areas; how Americans function in communities, worship, work together in organizations, participate in and support cultural and historical events; the role of volunteerism in American life.  photo of american melting pot
U.S. Government Institutions. U.S. institutions of democratic governance, including electoral and legislative processes and civilian control of the military, and the institution and improvement of public administration at the national, intergovernmental, state and local levels.  photo of the U.S. Capital
Political processes. American democracy and political reform, including opening the political process to all members of society, the practice of free elections, freedom of association, and the influence of various governmental and non-governmental organizations that promote democracy, the rule of law, transparence, and accountability in the political process.  Photo of political poster
The Judicial System. The U.S. establishment of the rule of law and an effective judicial system, the role of the military justice system and its procedures, and the laws and institutions for addressing extremist violence and taking effective action to prosecute those who are alleged to have committed crimes.  Photo of the U.S. Judicial Branch
The Free Market System. The success of the U.S. economy due to land and tax system reform, encouragement of private enterprise and individual initiative, creation of favorable investment climates, curbing corruption where it exists, and spurring balanced trade; the independent roles of labor and management in negotiating pay, working hours and conditions, and other benefits associated with employment; the factors underlying industry and agricultural production, and how environmental protection has altered each; and the role of environmental protection.  Photo of the stock market on Wall Street
Education. The purpose and range of educational institutions, the value of an educated and responsible citizenry, and the educational opportunities available to all citizens.  Photo of education books
Health and Human Services. The U.S. institutions that provide quality healthcare and voluntary Family planning services, housing, and other services, and the policies that are components of a social safety net, particularly for infants, children, and people with disabilities.  Photo of the U.S. human and health services administration logo
Media. The role of a free press and other communications media in American life; how diversity of media ensures people of all races, creeds and political persuasions can be heard (for example, editorials, letters to the editor) and ensures diverse, pluralistic culture.  Photo of  a newspaper
International Peace & Security. How the United States accomplishes effective and mutually beneficial relations and increased understanding with foreign countries in furtherance of the goals of international peace and security.  Photo of international peace and security
Law of War. The part of international law that regulates the conduct of armed hostilities, often called the "law of armed conflict." For the purposes of this facet, the law of war encompasses all international law for the conduct of hostilities binding on the United States or its individual citizens, including treaties and international agreements to which the United States is a part, and applicably customary international law.  Photo law of war


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