


Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs Articles

  • India’s Indian Ocean Region Strategy

    The rise of China across the maritime region has compelled nations (including India) to reshape their maritime strategies. This commentary aims at looking at the geostrategic importance of the Indian Ocean Region for India, China’s presence in the region, and counterbalance strategies.

  • Building the Next Generation of Chinese Military Leaders

    How does the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) People’s Liberation Army (PLA) treat senior military leadership development? This article answers this question by looking at what the PLA views as a good leader, how it develops such leaders, and when the new generation of PLA leaders will emerge.

  • Avoiding Thucydides’ Trap in the Western Pacific through the Air Domain

    Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the United States has arguably exercised the most powerful global military imbalance the world has ever seen. This domination; however, is perceived to be fading in the wake of a new possible contender. The tension and likelihood of conflict between the United

  • India’s Deterrence Goldilocks Dilemma in South Asia

    This article presents the unique Goldilocks dilemma that balancing China and Pakistan presents to India and examines how closer Indo–American collaboration is the best path to prevent rapid instability and possible nuclear war in the region. The article examines why a closer future US–Indian

  • India, the Blue Dot Network, and the “Quad Plus” Calculus

    This article argues that India’s prospective inclusion in the Blue Dot Network is a geostrategic necessity that can pave the way for alternative global supply chain networks and quality infrastructure promotion in Asia and beyond as well as allow New Delhi to enhance its long-desired objective of

  • The United States and South Korea in the Indo-Pacific after COVID-19

    To illustrate why South Korea should be crucial in US Indo-Pacific policy after the pandemic, this article first outlines the limitations to Seoul’s participation under the current US approach and how South Korea’s contributions toward the same goals as the United States are currently undervalued.

  • Terrorism in the Indo-Pacific: The Year Gone By and the Road Ahead

    Globally, terrorism has been on the decline since peaking in 2014, the year that the Islamic State (ISIS) declared its “caliphate” in the Middle East. Nevertheless, terrorism levels are still approximately double what they were a decade ago and around five times what they were in 2001. The

  • A Footprint of Unfreedom: The Future of Naval Support Facility Diego Garcia

    The historical (colonial) origins of the British Indian Ocean Territory as a discrete administrative unit have encumbered the territory with some damaging political pathologies. These problems cannot be remedied by decision makers in London or Washington and will only worsen over time.i I conclude


The views and opinions expressed or implied in JIPA are those of the authors and should not be construed as carrying the official sanction of the Department of Defense, Department of the Air Force, Air Education and Training Command, Air University, or other agencies or departments of the US government or their international equivalents. See our Publication Ethics Statement.