


Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs Articles

  • Indo-Pacific Perspectives (June 2021)

    In this third installment of Indo-Pacific Perspectives, Dr. Peter Harris and his assembled scholars tackle the issue of Sino-Indian border conflicts.

  • Comparing Civilization-­State Models: China, Russia, India

    This article compares the roots and perspectives of civilizational thinking in three cases (China, Russia, and India) to chart the complex interplay between the rise of domestic “civilizational factions” among a state’s intelligentsia and non-­Western elites and the

  • The Chinese Communist Party’s Insidious Infiltration

    Under Xi Jinping’s leadership, the People’s Republic of China (PRC), directed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), is pursuing a grand strategy to achieve national rejuvenation. Its strategy incorporates various malign influence methods to control, persuade, intimidate, and manipulate

  • Maritime Great-­Power Competition: Coast Guards in the Indo-­Pacific

    The US Coast Guard possesses a unique set of authorities and operational capabilities that make it particularly effective in gray-­zone operations, which could allow the United States to exert a less escalatory military presence that bridges gaps between the high-­intensity warfighting

  • Examining America’s Treaty and Alliance Structure in the Indo-­Pacific

    This article examines the political, military, and economic dynamics of the great-­power competition between the United States and the People’s Republic of China in the Indo-­Pacific and how it has impacted the American alliance structure since the beginning of the Cold War. The author

  • Al-­Qaeda’s Keys to Success

    In this article, the author argues that not only is al-Qaeda far from dead, but that the main factors contributing to the organization’s continued global success are decentralization, effective narratives and propaganda, and the specific targeting of locations with a preexisting history of

  • Pivot to Power: US Grand Strategy and the Rise of China

    This article analyzes the emerging engagement and paradigm shift in the US grand strategy in the Indo-­Pacific. Its primary thesis is that the current geopolitical and strategic importance of the region has led the United States to redesign and refocus its grand strategy toward the


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