


Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs Articles

  • Implications for Taiwan and Indo-Pacific Security

    Ramping aggression and use of wolf-warrior diplomacy from Beijing raises insecurity in the Indo-Pacific. Flashpoints of conflict along the Southwestern border with India in the Himalayas, the construction of artificial islands in the South China Sea, and the imposition of the nine-dash line have

  • Reimagining Afghanistan: Geostrategic Engagement with Major Powers

    The Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan can be considered one of the most significant events of 2021 whose ramifications will be felt in the years to come. The retreat of the US military has left a power vacuum in Afghanistan, causing a shift in regional geopolitics. In this scenario,

  • Preparing for War with China, 2025–2032

    The US needs to prepare for potential war with China in the 2025–2032 timeframe. Some leaders may choose to ignore the signs of China’s designs for altering the world’s balance of power. However, that does not erase China’s aggressive behavior in the SCS and ECS over the past

  • Dragons Must Eat: China’s Food Insecurity and Strategic Vulnerability

    Although definitions of “food security” vary, most formulations of the term focus on the ability to reliably satisfy a population’s basic nutrition requirements despite friction and adverse circumstances with domestic production or imports. Historically, food security has been a

  • What Happened to the Afghan Air Force?

    As the Taliban rolled into Kabul on 15 August 2021 on motorcycles and in stolen Humvees, they clearly did not fear the one thing that had kept them at bay for years: air strikes. US forces had withdrawn; even “over-¬the-¬horizon” US air support had ceased—and the Afghan Air

  • Indo-Pacific Perspectives (December 2021)

    In this Indo-Pacific Perspectives roundtable, five expert contributors from across the region analyze an overlooked dimension of this larger puzzle: the place of the Persian Gulf in the emerging Indo-Pacific order. This is an unconventional way to think about the Indo-Pacific as a contested

  • Introduction: The Persian Gulf and the Indo-Pacific

    In this Indo-Pacific Perspectives roundtable, five expert contributors from across the region analyze an overlooked dimension of this larger puzzle: the place of the Persian Gulf in the emerging Indo-Pacific order. This is an unconventional way to think about the Indo-Pacific as a contested concept,

  • ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific and Persian Gulf Stability

    The states of Southeast Asia, South Asia, and the Persian Gulf regions deal with similar challenges in three areas: the struggle for natural resources, particularly at sea; the necessity of freedom of navigation for economic growth, transportation, and trade; and the geopolitical complications


The views and opinions expressed or implied in JIPA are those of the authors and should not be construed as carrying the official sanction of the Department of Defense, Department of the Air Force, Air Education and Training Command, Air University, or other agencies or departments of the US government or their international equivalents. See our Publication Ethics Statement.