


Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs Articles

  • Future of Maritime Security:  Navigating Complex Waters in the Indo-Pacific

    In the dynamic realm of international relations, maritime security holds enduring significance, particularly within the ever-evolving Indo-Pacific sphere. This research article aims to assess the trajectory of maritime security in the Indo-Pacific region up to the year 2040, with a specific emphasis

  • Indo-Pacific Perspectives (December 2021)

    In this Indo-Pacific Perspectives roundtable, five expert contributors from across the region analyze an overlooked dimension of this larger puzzle: the place of the Persian Gulf in the emerging Indo-Pacific order. This is an unconventional way to think about the Indo-Pacific as a contested

  • ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific and Persian Gulf Stability

    The states of Southeast Asia, South Asia, and the Persian Gulf regions deal with similar challenges in three areas: the struggle for natural resources, particularly at sea; the necessity of freedom of navigation for economic growth, transportation, and trade; and the geopolitical complications


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