
Volume 03 Issue 1 - Spring 2020

  • Published
  • Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs, Air University Press
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  • Demystifying the Indo-Pacific Theater

    General CQ Brown, Jr., USAF
    Within the Indo-Pacific reside a number of dynamic and complex regional challenges with worldwide implications, including nuclear powers, disputed territories, ballistic missiles, and highly adaptive adversaries. Countering each of these challenges requires a whole-of-government approach in which the other three instruments of power understand that the military maintains a necessary level of readiness to backstop their combined efforts. Revisiting, in detail, the four NDS challenges in the Indo-Pacific validates this construct.

  • New Zealand's Strategic Challenge

    Major Maia Baker, New Zealand Army
    In addressing the particular strategic challenges that China poses to New Zealand, this article explores what best practices can be drawn from other Western democratic states such as Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. Ultimately, the challenge posed by China illustrates why small states need grand strategy and why the lack of a national security strategy is a key deficiency in New Zealand government policy.

  • The China Coast Guard

    Dr. Ulises Granados
    This article inquiries into the causes, logic, and likely regional consequences of Beijing's decision to shift control of the China Coast Guard (CCG) from a joint civilian-military paradigm to a stricly military one. Amid the upgrading of insular features in the Spratlys, the deployment of bombers in the Paracels, and overall modernization of China’s naval capabilities, the article also explores plausible developments in which the People's Armed Police-led CCG, irregular maritime militias, and People’s Liberation Army Navy forces might coordinate more effectively efforts to safeguard self-proclaimed rights in littoral and blue-water areas in dispute.

  • Nontraditional Security Dilemmas on the Belt and Road

    Dr. R. James Ferguson
    This article explores how, if carefully managed, the Belt and Road Initiative represents an invitation for security cooperation. However, it also risks new forms of military competition and increasing securitization of developmental and environmental issues, a well-known problem for nontraditional security as a conceptual and operational category.

  • Assessing Republic of Singapore Air Force's Defensive Air Capabilities

    Anant Mishra
    This article highlights the evolution of airpower due to rampant changes in the international security environment and advances in technology to make a case for further investment in the Republic of Singapore Air Force and its airpower policy to defend Singapore. The article further highlights the progressive expansion of airpower that strengthened Singapore for countless years, while portraying the challenges faced by Singapore—particularly its territorial vulnerabilities and threats to its strategic objectives.

  • China's Maritime Gray Zone Operations

    edited by Andrew S. Erickson. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 2019.
    Reviewed by Dr. John W. Tai

    China’s increasingly assertive—many would say aggressive—actions in the South China and East China Seas have captured the attention of the media and policy and academic communities. The most disconcerting aspect of those activities is that they have principally involved Chinese paranaval forces, with which the United States and its allies in the region have had little success confronting. This is an understudied topic and an urgent issue that must be addressed. Andrew S. Erickson and Ryan D. Martinson are faculty members of the China Maritime Studies Institute at the Naval War College and are experts on the Chinese navy and China’s maritime activities. They are thus uniquely qualified and well-positioned to organize a conference of experts to discuss issues related to this topic. China’s Maritime Gray Zone Operations is an outcome of such a conference.


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