NAP mentions of gender/women/gender equality/gender equity
The underlining policies supporting the implementation of the Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) mitigation and adaptation contributions and actions to be implemented in this context include cross-cutting issues which are gender sensitive and therefore will take into account women as important decision makers regarding energy consumption in particular.
Likewise, special attention will be paid to the effects on populations in a situation of vulnerability, such as women and diversities, youth, indigenous peoples and people with disabilities, considering that these groups have a limited participation in decision-making and access to resources, and that they are overrepresented in the informal economy and unemployment.
By 2030, policies will have been developed in such a way that gender is not a reason for social, political and economic inequality. In this regard, the physical, political and economic autonomy of women and LGBTI +, the sovereignty over their bodies, lives and territories, and their ability to make decisions will have been strengthened.
Policies would be implemente
d so that women and LGBTI + have social and environmental conditions of habitability of the territories.
To this end, it is considered essential—and will be promoted—an active participation of women and diversities in the consultation and decision-making processes in all aspects of climate policy.
The voice and representation of women and LGBTI + over the territories they inhabit will be strengthened through access to material, educational, informational, training, financial and technological resources; and the construction of strategic alliances that strengthen their role as agents of change in the processes of adaptation and mitigation to climate change will be promoted.
Public consultation process of the NDC update has been carried out in line with the government procedures, including involvement of the civil society, in a gender-responsive manner followed by a parliamentary debate. The implementation of the NDC will be supported on subnational level by involving local communities and encouraging all stakeholders to take action, including NGO's, taking into account the needs of the youth, vulnerable groups, in a gender-responsive manner. Maintaining participatory process in the NDC review and public consultation mechanism during preparation of the next NDCs, in a gender-responsive manner.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
The BRIDGE (Building Capacity and Regional Integration for Development of a Generation of Entrepreneurs) in Sustainable Energy Information and Communication Technologies project is focused on developing human capital, while encouraging gender equality, to meet the expected future demand for technicians, professionals and entrepreneurs in sustainable energy and information and communication technology sectors; The sectors identifies as most vulnerable to climate change are agriculture, fisheries tourism, water, human health, coastal resources and human settlements. Climate change will also impact vulnerable groups disproportionately, including youth and gender perspectives, which are cross-cutting concerns in Barbados' national development planning.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
Benin's NDC will be implemented under the authority of the Ministry responsible for the environment which plays the role of National Focal Point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change with the effective participation of all the stakeholders, namely the Technical and Financial Partners, governmental and nongovernmental stakeholders with a consideration for gender and social inclusion (sector Ministries, local communities, private sector, civil society, etc.) Improving Benin's agricultural performance to enable it to ensure durably food and nutritional sovereignty, to contribute to the economic and social development of the men and women of Benin and to hit the Sustainable development Goals (SDGs) in particular the SDGs 1,2, 12, and 13.
Rehabilitating irrigation schemes (i) 1,000 ha of developed irrigated areas with perfect water control, (ii) 3,500 ha of swampy areas including up to 2,800 has of plain development in flood zones and 700 has of rice growing swamps developed by the company, (iii) 300 has of market-gardening for women.
Increasing by at least 50% by 2025 the current levels of agricultural productivity (improving professional knowledge and technological innovations for men and women; promoting the development of water schemes. Reducing pregnant women and under five children's vulnerability to diseases related to climate risks in Benin.
Domestic Institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner:
Articles 5, 231 and 232 of the Brazilian Constitution establish ample rights and guarantees for all Brazilian citizens, paying due attention to the special needs of women and indigenous peoples.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
Burkina Faso
The households, and principally the women can then save the costs incurred for health care.
The Coordination Unit will work with the above departments and other cross-cutting ministries, such as the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of the Promotion of Women and Gender and the Ministry of International Cooperation, within the framework of the financing agreements.
Strengthen the aptitudes of actors (especially women and farmers) in new technical processes, in the interest of intensified, sustainable production methods (new crop systems and techniques);
Gender, youth and vulnerable groups are concerns that have not always been taken into account in Burundi's national and sectoral socioeconomic development plans. In its Vision 2025, the Government of Burundi considers these to be cross-cutting issues to be incorporated into all development programs. The same will apply to the implementation of the INDC.
Cabo Verde
The update deepens and moves beyond the initial set of actions and commitments with respect to scope, sector ambition, balancing of mitigation and the adaptation action, climate justice and gender equality, as well as transparency and governance.
Finally, Cabo Verde needs inclusive and gender-sensitive strategies to enhance the adaptive capacity of all of its communities and economic sectors, including food production and tourism.
They will go substantially beyond the commitments put forward in Cabo Verde's initial NDC submission, i.e. in terms of scope, sector ambition. coherence between adaptation and mitigation, horizontal themes, including gender equality, and notable transparency.
Develop a gender analysis of women and men in the blue economy (promoting entrepreneurship, developing jobs for the young, encouraging innovation) by 2022 and identify priority gender-specific actions.
Women, as raisers of the next generation, can be important stewards of intergenerational natural resources preservation.
While many gender equality targets have been met by Cabo Verde, gender roles continue to deny women full equality to access to resources.
The key issues that lock the majority of women in poverty and low productivity are their lack of time—for productive labor, of land—for building assets, of financing—for extending businesses, and of knowledge to increase production and market access. The key to the next great progress on gender equality in Cabo Verde is women's economic empowerment. For this NDC the sectors of energy, water, land use/agriculture, blue economy and tourism are the focus of gender equality. By 2022, integrate climate issues and Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) into the updated gender equality plane and strategies...
Summary of gender reference
Cambodia’s Climate Change Strategic Plan includes a strategic objective to “reduce sectoral, regional, gender vulnerability and health risks to climate change impacts.”
Summary of gender reference
- Gender-mainstreaming in adaptation (agriculture);—Women as a vulnerable group (WVG): The INDC mentions Cameroonians—particularly women, children and vulnerable people—and economic sectors of the country acquire greater resilience and greater resilience to negative impacts of climate change.—Women as stakeholders (S) whereby women have an important role to play in the thematic Program 13, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Water and Energy (MINEE), by: Strengthening and securing access to water resources and sanitation services in a changing climate; securing environmental services; management of surface and groundwater for water, protection of source of heads; Fixing the banks and soils; role of women; plans for using surface water or deep; struggles against pollution (agricultural, industrial, medical, etc.); Prevention of extreme events (floods) ; conservation of aquatic biodiversity.—Women as beneficiaries of projects (B): Increasing the resilience of productive (agricultural) practices—Strengthening the capacity of actors (especially young women and elderly, indigenous peoples, farmers, etc.) concerning new crop as part of intensified and sustainable production methods .—Also, in the mitigation efforts within the sectors of “Agriculture / Fisheries / Livestock / Forests, women are said to be co-beneficiaries of agricultural development and deforestation mitigation strategies; whereby, the empowerment of women and protection of vulnerable populations and minorities is highlighted in the text.
Central African Republic
Vulnerability profile: Extreme Hazards (torrential rains, floods and drought), most vulnerable areas *south, north, northeast) and most vulnerable populations (women, children, indigenous peoples and the aged, i.e. around 75%).
Implementation of Chad's INDC will place particular emphasis on better taking account of human rights and equality between sexes.
Reinforce stakeholder attitudes, (in particular in relation to women and farmers), with regards to new techniques in terms of intensive and sustainable methods of production.
Women and children are identified among the vulnerable group together with the elderly people and the disabled heads of the family.
The proposed targets will include a focus on gender, enabling development of more transparent, inclusive and targeted initiatives to decrease and eradicate existing gender gaps, and recognizing the role of women as agents of change, capable to provide significant contribution in climate action.
Gender equality and equity: The design and implementation of this NDC must consider a fair allocation of charges, costs and benefits, with a focus on gender and special emphasis on sectors, communities and ecosystems vulnerable to climate change.
It will be developed and implemented considering sustainable development goals and criteria of age and gender equity and just transition, integrating knowledge as specific needs of vulnerable communities.
Women mentioned in the adaptation profile stakeholders (S), specifically as a long-term strategy for adaptation by increasing the involvement of women and communities in environmental protection in terms of decision-making given their growing role in the development of the domestic economy; and (iv) develop resilience of populations to disasters and climate change.
Costa Rica
Summary of gender reference
References to women/gender in relation to all climate policies and actions, including monitoring and review framework.
Both climate policies and the actions that derive from them will base themselves in the country's historical commitment to universal human rights and gender equality principles. Costa Rica favors a transformational approach to gender in public climate change policy, and supports the participation of women (AC) in policy making and climate actions implementation. This will require a full compliance with Cancun's safeguards on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD+), as well as securing indigenous peoples' Principle of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC). Also, it's expected to increase citizen forums through the pre-2020 period to define the best climate governance arrangements to deliver on the commitments acquired in this National Contribution.
In relation to Means of Implementation: The government will confirm its role as a facilitator of enabling conditions which will allow the different sectors, communities and society in general define their mitigation and adaptation goals, based on their own economic, social and cultural, gender-sensitive options for the well-being of a low-emission economy.
Cote d'Ivoire
Women mentioned in the mitigation context as beneficiaries of projects (B) (agriculture/forestry) through the development of sustainable energy solutions for domestic populations cooking needs by improving the living conditions of women in rural areas.
Women mentioned in the adaptation context as vulnerable groups (WVG) (strengthening agricultural, animal and fisheries sector): promoting women's access to rural land.
Women mentioned as stakeholders (S) in the "Means of implementation to adaptation measures of the INDC": projects highlight capacity building of stakeholders (especially women, farmers, etc.) to new technical routes in the context of intensified and sustainable modes of production.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
From a social standpoint, working and living conditions will improve, mainly for women, by improving cooking conditions and working conditions.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
Czech Republic
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
Democratic Republic of Congo
Summary of gender reference
Women mentioned in the adaptation context as a vulnerable group (WVG) and as beneficiaries of projects (B) through the PANA—AFE (2015-2020): strengthening resilience of women and children to address climate change. It is the commitment of the Democratic Republic of Congo to protect the most vulnerable to climate risks.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
Under priorities for building climate resilience:
Creating the supportive enabling framework whereby communities and vulnerable segments of society (women, youth elderly, people with disabilities) can manage their own climate change risks, thereby addressing climate change impacts on vulnerable sectors (particularly agriculture, fisheries and water resources) and threats to food security, human health, poverty alleviation, sustainable livelihoods and economic growth;
Legal establishment of Climate Change Trust Fund in addition to US5 million seed funding to the Climate Change Trust Fund to provide support to priority community climate change risks management measures identified through community vulnerability mapping and adaptation planning and establishment of micro-finance for private sector and vulnerable segments of society (farmers, fisher-folk, women and vulnerable communities in particular the Kalinago people).
Dominican Republic
Summary of gender reference
Women as vulnerable group and as agents/drivers of change: Aware that climate change will impact vulnerable groups of people in different ways, the gender perspective is a cross-cutting issue in the national development model. Therefore, the role of women as agents of change is recognized, and their participation is encouraged in the transformation of society toward a low-carbon and resilient development.
The National Development Strategy (NDS) articulates strengthening human resources, with emphasis on youth and future generations.
Gender mainstreaming implies the integration of the gender approach from the preparation, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies, regulatory measures and initiatives, with the aim of promoting equality between women and men and combating discrimination.
To carry out an adequate incorporation of the gender approach and its mainstreaming in the formation of the NDC, one of the strategies implemented in the permanent methodology of relevant actors in the subject at the national level, such as the Council for Gender Equality.
In this way, in the participatory process based on the gender approach, the reflection and formulation of proposals that promote the involvement of women and men from civil society, community and private organizations and representatives of the different levels of the administration were sought.
Besides reducing the pressure on the forest resources, the advantages of these stoves lie in the use of waste biomass as well as securing the health and well-being of women and children.
This includes various administrative regions of the country with the aim of reducing social and geographical inequality as well as narrowing the gaps between women and men's rights.
Identification of the technical support needed to introduce new and additional policies and actions that stimulate and enable invest and mitigation actions for the period at all levels of government, as well as to strengthen the gender issues into capacity building, prioritize south-south cooperation to enhance regional cooperation.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
Underlying this vision is a focus on sustainable economic development, social justice, political stability, poverty eradication, employment recreation, gender equity, social integration and environmental protection.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
Among the priorities identified for sound environmental management is: ensuring the participation of the private sector, CSO, nongovernmental organization, and youth and women's groups in sustainable natural resource consumption
The observation of impacts of extreme weather events on Georgia's population, induced by the climate change during the last decades reveals the following vulnerable groups requiring urgent adaptation measures: children and adolescents, women, elderly persons, persons with disabilities, person with chronic diseases, and eco-migrants displaced as a result of disasters caused by climate change or those, who are threatened to be eco migrated due to the climate change.
Georgia, within its framework of national adaptation plan, commits to identify the needs of children and women and set priorities within the climate change adaptation measures;
Georgia's updated NDC acknowledges the nationalization of targets 5.1-4.6 and 5.1 and 5.b of Sustainable Development Goal 5 on the achievement of gender equality and empowerment all women girls.
Given that the majority of teachers at primary and secondary schools, 58% lecturers at universities, and 65% of doctors are women, Georgia intends empowering women as agents of change through involving them in decision-making processes addressing healthcare issues induced by climate change and related activities and programs, such as awareness raising on climate change, capacity building and knowledge sharing aiming at changing behavior.
Georgia further considers to empower women as agents of change through their participation in decision-making processes related to energy efficiency measures and efficient use of water resources in households.
Georgia's updated NDC invites all stakeholders and relevant domestic organizations to provide adaptation resources channeled toward women wherever their vulnerability level is high.
Georgia's updated NDC is in compliance with Article 11 of the Constitution of Georgia on the right to equality, Law of Georgia on Gender Equality, Decision 21/CP.22 on Gender and Climate Change, and enhanced Lima work program on gender and its gender action plan.
Georgia's updated NDC intends to collect, manage, report and archive information on gender-disaggregated relevant data in its national reports related to the greenhouse gas mitigation and climate change adaptation. In addition, Georgia intends to carry out gender analysis capacity building and knowledge sharing within the climate-related projects.
For taking into consideration the particular interests, needs, capabilities, roles and responsibilities of the key stakeholders, especially the vulnerable groups, the meetings with the vulnerable groups and civic organizations working on the climate change and gender issues have been conducted during the process of updating the document.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
Under the INDC Adaptation Policy Actions: Resilience for gender and the vulnerable: Implementation of community led adaptation and livelihood diversification for vulnerable groups
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
Summary of gender reference
Women mentioned as vulnerable group (WV), since the most impacted population groups are indigenous peoples, subsistence farmers and artisanal fishermen, including women and children. Note also that the Framework Law on Climate Change also safeguards human rights and gender equality.
Summary of gender reference
Women mentioned in the National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPA) as a vulnerable group (WVG), stating the most vulnerable groups to climate change in different regions of the country include poor communities in rural areas such as farmers and small producers (men and women) and people whose livelihood mainly depends on the use of natural resources (hunters, fishermen, salt producers, etc).
Summary of gender reference
Women are taken into account in the implementation phase: gender will need to be mainstreamed throughout the NDC implementation process.
Summary of gender reference
Women mentioned as vulnerable groups (WVG). The Republic of Honduras believes necessary policies and measures to combat global warming focus on the ‘human face’ of climate change. To do this, the actions to take should improve the living conditions of the people whose situation may be more vulnerable to climate change. These actions should ensure a transversal perspective of human rights and gender equality, ensuring that women, indigenous peoples and Afro-Hondurans have full and effective participation in decision-making. This message of hope is already included in the policies of the Republic of Honduras within the strategic plan of government " Plan of All for a Better Life ".
Also, a gender perspective is essential to include in a model of sustainable national development aspect. Therefore, recognizes the role of women as agents/drivers of change, which must be taken into account in making decisions that allow the development of a low-carbon society and resistant to the effects of climate change.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
Men and women shall have equal rights in every respect.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples in a gender-responsive manner.
Iceland's NDC is prepared in the context of commitments to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities and sustainable development.
Act on equal gender right and gender equality No 150/2020 is to prevent gender discrimination and to create and maintain equal rights and opportunities for all genders in all aspects of the community.
India's contribution takes into account its commitment to conservation of nature as well as the imperatives of meeting the competing demand of resources for addressing the challenges of poverty eradication, food security and nutrition, universal access to education and health, gender equality and women empowerment, water and sanitation, energy, employment, sustainable urbanization and new human settlements and the means of implementation for the enhanced action for achieving among others, the sustainable development goals for its 1.2 billion people.
In line with the Paris Agreement, Indonesia respects, promotes and considers its obligations on human rights... as well as gender equality, empowerment of women.
The preparation of the NDC has taken into account the post 2015 SDG particularly on taking urgent action to combat climate change... achieving gender equality.
Indonesia has taken significant steps to reduce emissions in land use sector by instituting a moratorium on the clearing of primary forests...which include social forestry through active participation of the private sector, small and medium enterprises...and the most vulnerable groups, especially Adat communities (Indonesia: Masyarakat Hukum Adat, internationally known as Indigenous People), and women in both the planning and implementation stages.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples in a gender-responsive manner.
Besides climate action (SDG 13), Jamaica is making particularly substantial progress on health and well-being (SDG 3), quality education (SDG 4), and gender equality (SDG 5).
It will be subject to all relevant laws, guidelines, policies and programs which are designed to increase inclusiveness and fairness, including the Code of Consultations and the National Policy for Gender Equity.
The Strategy provides a road map to the health sector, as well as the many involved public agencies and organizations to work jointly to improve the health of the Jordanian population in particular the vulnerable groups (infants and children <5 years, the elderly >65 years, and pregnant women) in rural, desert, remote areas, and poverty pockets, and the environments in which they live, work, and play.
The pre-2020 contribution of Jordan in this regard is obvious from Jordan's position portrayed om the Climate Change Policy of Jordan 2013-2020 and the actions and activities lead by Ministry of Social Development (MoSD); National Aid Fund, and MoSD's partners addressing vulnerability and impact of climate change on socioeconomic development particularly vulnerable groups (mainly the poor and women with emphasis on those living in rural areas)
Though gender issues are still under-investigated in Jordan, the role of women in economy of rural areas is known to be substantial. Women in these areas are traditionally responsible for the household economy and are active in field work as well. Any negative impact of climate change will be most senses by women. Women make crucial contributions in agriculture and rural enterprises in drylands as farmers, animal husbandry, workers and entrepreneurs through their indigenous knowledge.
Ensuring financial mechanisms on mitigation and adaptation address the needs and conditions for implementation of poor women and men equally.
Building capacity at all levels to design and implement gender-responsive climate change policies, strategies and programs;
Special attention will be put on linking the mitigation and adaptation measures specified in the INDC and beyond to SDGs from 1-5 which focus on addressing challenges of poverty, education, health, gender equality and other socioeconomic conditions;
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples in a gender-responsive manner.
Kenya has various laws to promote gender equality and provide for the protection against discrimination on the basis of gender, with equal opportunities in education, work, and in cultural and professional development.
Develop social safety net structures for women, youth and other vulnerable groups within the CCCFs;
Strengthen access of women, youth, other vulnerable groups to enterprise funds, climate finance and credit lines
Promote gender-responsive technologies and innovations in the private sector through financing, capacity building and start-up services;
Consolidate successful technologies and develop a transfer strategy to women, youth and other vulnerable populations.
Summary of gender reference
In its analysis of vulnerable sectors of society, it notes:
The effects of climate change are felt first and most acutely by vulnerable and marginalized populations, including (inter alia) women. Violence against women and children is a widespread issue within Kiribati society, which can be exacerbated in times of disasters when normal social protection may be missing.
All strategies and actions in the Kiribati Joint Implementation Plan on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management are inclusive of vulnerable groups, considering gender, youth and children, the elderly and people with disability.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
Lebanon considers the SDGs 5 (gender equality), 13 (climate action), 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions) and 17 (partnerships for the goals) to be inherent in the successful achievement of the adaptation priorities and are therefore considered relevant to all actions.
Moreover, Lebanon acknowledges that vulnerable groups, especially women, are disproportionately impacted by climatic events, and will therefore commit to render climate adaptation action gender responsive.
Lebanon prioritizes a just transition through the consideration of the socioeconomic status of the most vulnerable, adopting a gender-responsive approach.
The rural electrification program will reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), promote rural development local entrepreneurship, reduce poverty, reduce rural exodus through job creation, strengthen social cohesion, improve education and health, improve access to new information and communication technologies and energy equipment and alleviation of women's domestic duties.
Create a market for clean and efficient household cooking solutions to save lives, improve livelihoods, empower women, and protect the environment.
To this effect the adaptation interventions proposed in this NDC are meant to a) recognize and respond to the differentiated needs, experiences, priorities and capacities of women and men; b) enhance gender balance and inclusiveness in various adaptation programs and projects.
Promote gender mainstreaming in policies, programs and projects.
Liberia has ensured that key relevant stakeholders (government agencies and ministries, civil society, local leaders, private sector, women groups, youth and student representatives, nongovernment organizations) were included and fully participated in its INDC preparation process.
For the most part, women and children are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. However, their unique knowledge and perspectives also provide opportunities for inclusive, equitable and efficient adaptation responses and coping strategies.
It provides a framework for enhancing gender equality in both climate adaptation and mitigation activities including decision-making processes, capacity building, implementation of policies and measures to ensure that climate change vulnerabilities are addressed with gender equity and youth development.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
Women and girls are particularly impacted, as they have to walk further in search of basic commodities for the family such as firewood and water. Yet, women may not have the authority to decide an alternative and climate-resilient solutions for the household. The adaptation interventions proposed in this INDC are meant to enhance gender inclusiveness in the adaptation programs and projects.
Promote gender mainstreaming in policies, programs and projects.
Summary of gender reference
Women mentioned as vulnerable group (WVG) for the period of 2015-2020.
Women mentioned in the adaptation context as stakeholders (S) in the management of national adaptation policy.
Also mentioned, along with men, as beneficiaries of projects (B) related to rural population's human right to water. Also, gender mentioned as a target and beneficiaries of projects (B) in capacity building programs (adaptation context). along with actors from the private and public sector and the youth.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
Coordination of the INDC plans, programs and projects for both adaptation and mitigation actions will be under the responsibility of MOESDDBM and will involve the participation of all stakeholders *sectoral ministries, private sector, CBOs/NGOs, women's organizations, etc.
The consequences of the adverse effects of this global phenomenon are even more serious for individuals and groups in vulnerable social, economic and environmental situations, including women, indigenous and Afro-Mexican communities, children, youth, migrants, people with disabilities, sexual minorities, low-income groups, and the elderly.
Reports on the progress of the NDC's implementation will incorporate the objectives and goals of the Lima Work Program on Gender and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Gender Action Plan. As a signatory of the Escazu Agreement, Mexico will abide by the objectives of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights under the principle of equal rights between women and men, as well as the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women.
Actions undertaken to protect tangible cultural heritage from the effects of climate change will consider the respect for spiritual or religious beliefs, as well as for the roles of women and men.
Recognizing the legacy of a structural system that has systematically placed vulnerable groups, especially women, at a disadvantage, this NDC update is based on gender-responsive approaches that will contribute to a more just and egalitarian society by prioritizing the needs of the vulnerable communities and promoting the inclusion and recognition of the knowledge of indigenous communities, under the principle of intergenerational equity. The Mexican Government ratifies its commitment to implement the NDC respecting human rights, integrating a gender equality approach, prioritizing the needs of the vulnerable groups, and promoting the inclusion and recognition of science and traditional knowledge of native indigenous communities under the principle of intergenerational equity.
Revegetation of bare or eroded lands with 128,600 has of cacti in drylands to enhance smallholder farmers and women's cooperative income.
Morocco's integrated approach to NDC will include respect for human rights and gender equality, as enshrined in Morocco's 2011 Constitution.
Population was estimated at 20.6 million , 48% are men and 52% are women.
Myanmar (Burma)
In addition, Myanmar recognizes a number of important emerging themes which are key to addressing both future emission reductions and adaptation to climate impacts, including the need for sustainable urban development; a more consistent inclusion of civil society perspectives; the empowerment of groups at risk of the short and long-term impacts of climate change, (such as children and other younger members of society); and the integration of gender considerations into climate change policy design. Ultimately, the effort to mitigate and adapt to climate change is seen as a contribution to alleviate suffering caused by climate change and enable sustainable and durable development of the poor, both in rural and urban areas.
At the regional level, Nauru is also involved in a relatively low but increasing number of adaptation projects and programs and through the regional projects and programs, some actions are being implemented on the ground that addresses the needs in relation to coastal zone management, water, capacity building, gender, policy and planning.
The Nepal Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan recognizes legitimate rights of all Nepali people including indigenous people and local communities, women, Dalits and other disadvantaged social groups over local biological resources.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
Gender equity: Considering that women are protagonists in all economic sectors of the country, including the production and commercialization of agricultural and fishery products, activities that are receptive to the impacts of climate change and climate variability, adaptation and mitigation measures Faced with climate change, they will incorporate all the rights set forth in the different national legal instruments on gender equity.
As part of the actions developed in the process of updating the NDC, communication with vulnerable sectors was strengthened, expanding the dialogue with indigenous people, groups of women and youth at the national level.
Niger's strategy is based on the vision of climate-smart agriculture an on access to modern energy services for everyone in 2030. Concerning the latter point, Niger has adopted the Regional White Book of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), which recognizes that access to modern energy services make a major contribution to improved access to basic social services (health, education, potable water); to uncreased productivity of households in cooking, lighting and transportation; to giving impetus to the creation of income-producing economic activities; to freeing women from chores such as gathering wood and water and shelling peas and beans to preserving the environment and improving the quality of life of rural populations; and to promoting local jobs and stabilizing populations to contain rural exodus and check uncontrolled urbanization.
The co-benefits in the energy sector relate to improvement in the people's living conditions as a result of increased income through social welfare, access to potable water, education and health, as well as access to new information and communication technologies (NICT) and energy equipment, development of local entrepreneurship, alleviation of women's domestic duties and reduction of the rural exodus through job creation.
Reinforcing social safety nets through support systems that reduce vulnerability and improve livelihood conditions for the vulnerable, especially women and children.
Those who rely on fuel wood and charcoal for cooking and heating, primarily women, are exposed to serious indoor air pollution. Providing affordable clean alternatives is the only way forward.
Women and youth, but also remote communities, still have less economic, political and legal clout than, for example, men and the urban middle class. Women benefit most from clean efficient cook stoves, gaining in health and in productive time where these are introduced. Similarly, agricultural extension services have proven to reach more men than women.
The measures included in the Nigeria INDC were deemed to at a minimum be gender neutral and / or to enhance social inclusion.
This puts a significant brake on development and the empowerment of women in particular.
a further aim of the 2021 NDC update is to mainstream gender across all sectors. To this end, the Federal Executive Council in 2020 approved the National Action Plan on Gender and Climate
North Macedonia
Finally the process of the enhanced NDC determination involved 25 women to conduct analytical and technical work and 403 women to provide data and discuss and validate the assumptions and results
Based on the types of the newly created jobs, very basic analysis indicated that at least 27% of the jobs in 2035 can be assigned to women.
Engage United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) and Gender Focal Points, Gender Machinery and Parliamentarian Commission on Equal Opportunities to promote leadership roles for women in climate action;
The NAP will incorporate cross-sectorial and sector-specific adaptation actions and measures, along with identified adaptation investment priorities based on the review of national and sectorial development policies and plans, and the outcomes of an extensive consultation process, including stakeholders from all sectors and levels of governance, climate-related institutions and agencies, along with the private sector, civil society, academia and women associations and youth NGOs representatives.
Introduction of the gender-indicators in some of the policies and measures (PAM) with an aim to make them more gender-responsive.
In 2018, a new and comprehensive Equality and Anti-Discrimination Act entered into force. The Act's purpose is to promote gender equality. The act provides protection against discrimination on the basis pf gender, pregnancy, leave in connection with birth or adoption and care responsibilities.
Women and men are to be given equal opportunities in education and work, and in their cultural and professional development.
Summary of gender reference
Women mentioned in the context of stakeholders or decision makers (S) (DM) in the public participation process. This was carried out based on the criteria defined by Article No. 25 of Law 6 of 2002 laying down the procedures for public participation, where the mechanism of public hearing for the participation of various sectors was used, highlighting gender equality, the presence of minority groups, young and old, literate and illiterate.
Papua New Guinea
Vision 2050 is underpinned by seven Strategic Focus Areas:
1. Human Capital Development, Gender, Youth and People Empowerment;
2. Wealth Creation;
3. Institutional Development and Service Delivery;
4. Security and International Relations;
5. Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change;
6. Spiritual, Cultural and Community Development; and
7. Strategic Planning, Integration and Control
Summary of gender reference
Women mentioned as stakeholders (S) in a summary of the National Development Plan with attention to indigenous peoples, strong role of women; young visionaries and trained with leading the country.
Summary of gender reference
The NDC states under ‘Crosscutting Approaches’: Mitigation and adaptation national policies and instruments incorporate a gender perspective to promote and ensure active, continuous, full and equal participation of women and men in the consultation and decision-making processes for the control and access to natural resources, management of GHG emissions and generation of mitigation and adaptation strategies. This is currently based on the implementation of the National Plan for Gender Equality 2012-2017 (PLANIG in Spanish) and the future Peruvian Action Plan on Gender and Climate Change (PAGCC-Peru in Spanish) which is framed in the National Strategy on Climate Change (Estrategia Nacional ante el Cambio Climático or ENCC in Spanish).
Women mentioned in the adaptation context as vulnerable groups focusing on people and their livelihoods – the vulnerable populations that need to be addressed on a priority basis has been determined. These are: rural populations related to subsistence family farming and/or weak market linkages, many of them grouped in peasant and indigenous communities; small farmers; artisanal fishermen; native communities; small forest producers; and, from a health perspective, infants, women and seniors.
In relation to adaptation, ‘gender and intercultural approach’ is stated as a cross-cutting goal. This involves the formulation and approval of an Action Plan on Gender and Climate Change.
Recognizing the critical and complex challenges posed by climate change, the Philippines continuously pursues institutional reforms factoring sustainable and responsible use of natural resources, respect for, protection, promotion, and fulfillment, as well as, the full enjoyment of human rights by all, including the indigenous peoples and local communities, gender equality and the full and equal participation of women, intergenerational equity, biodiversity conservation, food and water security.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
Republic of Moldova
In support to climate action, the adaptation component incorporates cross-sectorial and sector-specific adaptation actions and measures to be implemented, along with identified adaptation investment priorities based on the view of national and sectorial development policies and plans, and the outcomes of an extensive consultation process, including stakeholders from all sectors and levels of governance, in particular, Central Public Authorities and Local Public Authorities, climate-related institutions and agencies, along with private sector, society, academia and women associations and youth NGOs representatives.
the national legal framework on equality between women and men is in line with international gender standards.
The National Climate Change Commission (NCCC) is seen as a permanent formalized body with the highest representation of key stakeholders:...taking into consideration gender dimension through including representatives of women's associations and considering gender equality and social inclusion in all supervising activities of NCCC.
The National Strategy on Ensuring Equality between women and men (2017-2021) in the Republic of Moldova and the Action Plan for its implementation aims at greater reduction of gender gaps due to social, economic and environmental vulnerabilities exacerbated by climate change.
The gender policy is supported by the Law No. 5 XVI of 09.02.2006 on ensuring equal opportunities between women and men, which stipulates that in the Republic of Moldova, women and men enjoy equal rights and freedoms and are guaranteed equal opportunities for their exercise
Develop and implement focused trainings, other types of education on Common Country Analysis (CCA) targeting women, youth, other vulnerable groups.
Improved and expanded Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment (MARDE) climate-related capacities, including inclusiveness and gender equality approach
Promotion of gender equality on the CCA approach...
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
In this context, the Government of Rwanda plans to promote and encourage the mainstreaming of gender considerations in climate change issues.
Saint Lucia
The Climate Change adaptation Policy has identifies that its success will in part depend on the extent of stakeholder (including women and vulnerable groups) ownership and participation in the implementation of the Climate Change Adaptation Policy (CCAP) priorities.
To foster equality on adaptation benefits, Saint Lucia's NAP and associated Sectoral Adaptation Strategy and Action Plans (SASAP) focus on vulnerable groups. While they include activities focusing on women and men generally based on a number of vulnerability factors, they don not identify activities that are specific to either women or men, owing to the lack of data on differential needs.
In line with Saint Lucia's commitment to SDG %: Gender Equality, Saint Lucia continues the process of mainstreaming gender in national strategic planning and programming across government and specifically within climate change considerations, including Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions and National Adaptation Plan initiatives.
Saint Lucia's Gender Relations Department is developing the national gender equality policy and strategic plan, which includes environmental sustainability with focus on climate change as a thematic priority.
The EnGenDER (Enabling Gender-responsive Disaster Recovery, Climate and Environmental Resilience in the Caribbean will be the starting point for a more substantive gender integration in climate change and should act as a catalyst for the acceleration of gender equality initiatives in Saint Lucia.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Summary of gender reference
Among the main activities being implemented at a national level to facilitate adaptation include the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience includes the following strategy: Design and implement gender-sensitive disaster risk management initiatives.
Summary of gender reference
Women mentioned in the context of mitigation signaling particular importance to using modern forms of energy production in homes so as to reduce the workload of women and help in improving the academic performance of children (B).
The National Climate Change Strategy 2009 addresses specifically, and although some progress has been made, it was highlighted at the stakeholder workshop that improved gender-sensitive capacity building, research and education was needed to underpin all climate change adaptation efforts to make them effective and resilient.
This vision is nested in the country's broader aspiration of sustainable development: finding strategies to realize the nation's economic, social and cultural potential through an innovative, knowledge-led and gender-sensitive approach.
Seychelles' aims to build gender-sensitive capacity and social empowerment at all levels to adequately respond to climate change.
The process of implementing the Vision to build gender-sensitive capacity, education and awareness, research and monitoring across critical sectors will be nationally monitored, reviewed , updated, and reported by the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change and will be focused on short-term monitoring of activities and process, and outputs rather than on longer-term outcomes.
Sierra Leone
Pillar eight (8) of Sierra Leone's five year development plan considers Gender and Women's Empowerment. Therefore, in addressing climate change issues, public entities are required to undertake public awareness and consultations, and ensure gender mainstreaming.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
Solomon Islands
On the achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDG) a range of social indicators show that the country is likely to meet Goal 2 (Achieve universal primary education) and Goal 5 (Improve maternal health). Females still have less access than males to secondary and tertiary education while women have poor access to health and family planning services in the rural areas. According to the Asia Development Bank (ADB) (2010) much of the improvement in the Human Development Index (HDI) was the result of significant overseas financial and technical assistance, with aid levels increasing from 22% of GDP in 1990 to 66% of GDP in 2005.
The primary target of this program is pastoralists and farming communities with limited access to assets and resources, including an emphasis on women and youth among these communities.
South Africa 1
This plan is informed by an assessment of sectoral, cross-sectoral and geographical vulnerabilities to the adverse impacts of climate change, and it will quantify and present pathways for adaptation, toward an inclusive and just transition to a climate-resilient economy and society, taking into account local and indigenous knowledge, gender considerations as well as social, economic and environmental implications.
South Sudan
Adapting Vulnerable Communities to Climate Change. This also has to take into account gender equality and human rights.
Furthermore, it is fundamental to incorporate a gender and human rights approach into capacity building, prioritizing the most vulnerable groups to reduce social inequality.
Ensure capacity building and participation of the society, local communities, indigenous peoples, women, men, youth, civil organizations and private sector in national and subnational climate change planning.
"As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka will also take steps to ensure internal equity by maintaining inclusivity. Inclusivity will be focused through the participation of groups such as gender, youth, vulnerable communities, and providing opportunities to these groups to engage, benefit from the ambitious targets.
Empowerment of women facing increased occurrence of severe droughts and degradation of natural resources, scarcity in water and loss of livelihood sources:
Women empowerment and promotion of gender mainstreaming approach in all interventions
Women saving groups, women income and food opportunities (household garden), diversified livelihood sources.
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
Switzerland fully subscribes to the view that Parties should, when taking into action to address climate change, respect, promote, and consider their respective human rights obligations, including due consideration for gender equality and gender-sensitive policies.
The introduction of climate change adaptation measures will be carried out by means of active role of women and civil society on the issues of climate change and disaster risk reduction.
Togo's population... adult literacy rate (with a clear disparity between sexes: 74.0% for men and 47.9% for women
In relation to Tonga’s national response to climate change, it notes that Tonga’s Strategic Development Framework 2015-25 has seven national outcomes, including: A more inclusive, sustainable and empowering human development with gender equality.
In an Annex to the NDC, it also notes legislation and policies that are ‘aligned with a Resilient Tonga’. This includes: The Family Protection Act, the National Policy on Gender and Development and the Strategic Plan, all in the focal area of Women.
Women are especially vulnerable in terms of food insecurity, water shortage and fuel wood scarcity.
Contributions under this INDC include cross-cutting respect for human rights and gender-responsive climate change actions. The protection of vulnerable groups, including women, is a cross-cutting priority.
Promote and encourage the mainstreaming of gender considerations in climate change issues.
Mainstreaming gender into development policies, plans and strategies as well as observance of human rights in all climate change adaptation and mitigation actions.
United Kingdom
As the Council of the European Union has highlighted, nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger health, water scarcity and right, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction and climate change.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-responsive manner.
The EU NDC is prepared in the context of the EU's commitment to gender equality and cross-cutting priorities as articulated in commitments such as the European Pact on gender Equality... and the integrating dimensions of human rights and gender equality by member states into their national plans, strategies under the EU Energy Union Governance Regulation.
United States of America
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples in a gender-responsive manner.
To make available, by 2025, georeferenced information of social vulnerabilities associated to adverse climatic events, adopting human rights and gender perspectives and looking at childhood, population below the poverty line and/or indigence, homeless people, older adults, disabled people, afro-descendants, migrants and rural population.
Widening the participation of the public, scientific institutions, women and local communities in planning and management, taking into account approaches and methods of gender equity.
Climate change may affect all areas of life for Ni-Vanuatu people and impact women, men and young people in different ways.
Adaptation: Climate change, increased natural disasters and climate extremes produce different impacts on women and men. While men are exposed to more risks due to their involvement in search and rescue operations, women are generally more vulnerable to health and socioeconomic problems;
Climate-induced risks: The poor, ethnic minority groups, people whose livelihoods depend on the climate, the elderly, women, children, and people with chronic illnesses have the highest level of vulnerability. Women, especially ethnic minority women, are highly vulnerable due to limited access to education and fewer opportunities to participate in non-farm employment;
Public health: Increased temperatures, hot and prolonged heat waves, air pollution, as well as other climate extremes negatively affect human health, leading to increased vulnerability especially among the elderly, women, children and people with existing conditions;
Loss and damage: Since the end of 2014, increased temperatures due to the impact of El Niño have caused drought and saline intrusion, seriously damaging production activities and people’s lives, including those of women.
Gender equality: In 2008, the Government Republic of Zambia with support from cooperating partners developed and launched a Climate Change Gender Action Plan (CCGAP) which ensures that Zambia's climate change processes mainstream gender considerations to guarantee that women and men can have access to, participate in, and benefit equally from climate change initiatives.
Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples in a gender-responsive manner.
Mainstreaming gender-responsive climate policies and emphasize special efforts to support vulnerable groups (women, youth and children) in climate change adaptation efforts within all sectors of the economy.