Volume 2, Nº 3 Published Nov. 19, 2020 Journal of the Americas, Air University Press, Maxwell AFB, AL EDITORIAL American Air Forces Respond to COVID-19 Jorge F. Serafin, Lt Col (Ret.), USAF SENIOR LEADER PERSPECTIVE The Colombian Air Force as an Instrument of Power to Confront the Pandemic General Ramsés Rueda Rueda, Commander, Colombian Air Force REGIONAL PERSPECTIVE Latin American Air Forces Face the Impacts of COVID-19 Colonel Mario Alberto Rivas Díaz, Deputy Secretary General, System of Cooperation Among the American Air Forces (SICOFAA), Dominican Air Force Challenges for the Armed Forces of Latin America in Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic R. Evan Ellis, PhD SERIES The War for the Public’s Mind - Media Construction of Reality Nuño Rodríguez, Political Scientist and Analyst