
Airmanship is a mindset where you feel a sense of ownership in everything you do and everything you say. You understand every word of the Oath you took and the behaviors expected. You use the Core Values as your guide posts for your personal and professional behaviors. And you display wingman care towards your peers, subordinates, superiors, friends, and family members both on and off duty.  

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Unconscious Bias research indicates that it happens in our brains, but not in our conscious awareness. This type of bias is usually learned and becomes mostly automatic. It’s a “short-cut,” to automate our thinking, useful at times, detrimental at other times. Unconscious Bias can become so ingrained that our behaviors, decisions, and interactions can be influenced. Bottom line is that it’s up to each one of us to identify our Unconscious Biases and learn to combat our unhealthy ways of thinking.  

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Inspiration is an important and valued, but temporary spark. Commitment is the conversion of inspiration into something enduring. It is a promise to be loyal to someone or something, and to invest time, resources and effort to support or accomplish a desired outcome. Professionalism is a shared commitment to standards, the Core Values, and the Code of Conduct. Air Force professionals fully understand and embrace the sacred trust necessary to join the profession of arms. On and off duty, in peace and in war, Airmen commit to, embrace and live by the standards our institution requires

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