

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • RIF impacts on Maxwell civilians

    Base civilians learned the mechanics of how the reduction in force, or RIF, set for Aug. 23 will reduce approximately 27 local surplus employee positions at Maxwell and Gunter during two town hall forums at the Squadron Officer College and the Air Force Senior NCO Academy May 3."Last time we met we

  • AFAF provides assistance in emergencies

    Today marks the end of this year's Air Force Assistance Fund campaign, and, as of last week Maxwell has reached 99 percent of its installation goal of $81,491. Fortunately, Airmen still have the opportunity to donate.For the last six weeks, unit representatives have visited offices asking members to

  • MEMS earns positive accreditation scores

    Maxwell Elementary Middle School's five years of preparation paid off during last month's visit by accreditation agency AdvancED and Department of Defense Education Activity representatives when they awarded MEMS positive accreditation scores. Throughout the week of April 8-12, the five-member

  • Female firefighter is just part of the team

    Though Airmen 1st Class KJelen Jacobson, or "KJ," may be a woman, she is just one of the guys, joking and laughing with the rest of the team at Maxwell's Fire Department.She said she's always been around men like her father, a fire chief and paramedic, her two brothers and other fire fighters she

  • Wingman day provides tools for success

    The 42nd Air Base Wing held its annual Wingman and Safety Day April 18, and this year's agenda focused on how to utilize military resources to succeed.Topics addressed at the event included the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program, physical fitness, Heart Link spouse orientation, Strength

  • Air University’s mobilization assistant emphasizes AFRC force development

    The new mobilization assistant to the commander and president of the Air University spoke recently about the purpose and methods of deliberate force development for the careers of Air Force reservists.Brig. Gen. Jocelyn Seng addressed a biweekly meeting of the Guard and Reserve Network, or GARNET,

  • Confessions of a rookie instructor

    Chances are had you told me a year ago that I would be an instructor at Squadron Officer School I would have called you certifiably crazy. I was so focused on being a C-17 Globemaster III pilot and presumed my career would lead to a staff tour at U.S. Transportation Command or Air Mobility Command

  • RIF will impact local civilians

    Maxwell and Gunter are included in approximately 60 Air Force installations that will implement civilian Reduction in Force authorities effective through about Aug. 23 to assist in the placement of employees not assigned against funded positions (termed "surplus employees"). These actions started in

  • OTS military training instructors help shape next generation of officers

    Dating back to September 1947, U.S. Air Force military training instructors have represented one of the most visible special-duty career fields in the service. From the original group of "Flight Marchers" to today's MTIs, the need to train new Airmen has remained constant. Today, 500 Airmen in the

  • Contractor recognized with medal for ultimate sacrifice

    Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly, commander of the U.S. Southern Command, presented the Defense of Freedom Medal to the family of Thomas Janis, a U.S. defense contractor killed in 2003 by narcoterrorists in Columbia, during a posthumous award ceremony March 27 at the Air War College."I did not know