

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • AFIMSC vice commander speaks at commanders' school

    The vice commander of the Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center spoke on how the new center will be the "single voice" for installation and mission support to a class of Air Force leaders attending the Commanders' Professional Development School at Air University April 20.Col. Brian

  • 42nd MDOS Airman receives AETC 2015 12 OAY Award

    Staff Sgt. Shelby Vande Zande, 42nd Medical Operations Squadron Immunizations Clinic noncommissioned officer in charge, out shined her peers by winning the Air Education and Training Command 2015 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year Award in the NCO category.This award recognizes 12 outstanding

  • Maxwell Elementary-Middle School hosts STEMposium

    Students from Maxwell Elementary-Middle School showcased their academic talents during the third annual STEMposium at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, April 13-17.STEM learning is composed of science, technology, engineering and math activities and then incorporating them into project-based learning

  • Maxwell commemorates the Holocaust

    Maxwell Airmen gathered to honor Holocaust victims during the annual Holocaust Days of Remembrance Commemoration ceremony, April 14, 2015, at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.The event commemorated the 70th anniversary of World War II and remembered the estimated 15 million lives lost to the Nazi

  • Earth Day 2015

    As the nation celebrates the 45th annual Earth Day this April 22, the Air Force is re-emphasizing its standing commitment to environmental stewardship and encouraging its military and civilian workforce to promote recycling both at home and on the job, and asking them to leverage available

  • Maxwell hosts second annual Cultural Awareness Day

    Airmen came together to not only celebrate diversity but to promote understanding and tolerance during the second annual Cultural Awareness Day at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, April 10, 2015.The event not only showcased various cultures to include African American, Hispanic, Asian

  • Airmen A2D2 volunteers save lives

    We have all heard the messages ... "If you are going to drink, have a plan." "Driving drunk can cost you more than a career."Each year, Airmen are exposed to briefings from supervisors and Airman Against Drunk Driving volunteers emphasizing the need to have a plan when going out on the town."Call us

  • Air Force JAG School starts new course

    The Air Force Judge Advocate General's School recently added a new course to its curriculum in conjunction with the Wing and Group Commanders Course at the Ira C. Eaker Center for Professional Development.The Senior Officer Legal Orientation Course, a two-day advanced legal course for commanders, is

  • Future joint leaders wrestle with fictional world in crisis

    Imagine a "worst case scenario" for the world a decade from now. What if, almost simultaneously, the major world powers find themselves in situations that could rapidly escalate into military chaos? Terrorist attacks once again rattle North American cities; primary shipping lanes threatened in the