

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Acting Deputy SecDef talks budget, urges innovation

    Acting Deputy Secretary of Defense Christine H. Fox spoke at Air University's Air War College about budget constraints and sequestration in relation to the Air Force's role in the Department of Defense, the importance of technology and innovation April 3.Before speaking to the agenda, Fox shared her

  • Defenders set to defend softball title

    With intramural softball season fast approaching, the reigning champion Defenders are preparing to be crowned back-to-back champions. With last year's heroic blast in the bottom of the final inning from Airman 1st Class Ross Griffin still fresh in their memory, the Defenders anxiously await their

  • Maxwell events aim to end child abuse

    April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, and the Maxwell Air Force Base Family Advocacy Program is hosting a number of events aimed at increasing child abuse awareness."National Child Abuse Prevention Month is important because it helps to educate parents and community members in how to recognize the

  • Base leaders recognize ‘Hometown Heroes’

    The people of Maxwell-Gunter take great pride in calling the base the "Best Hometown in the Air Force!"42nd Air Base Wing leaders are asking people to help them recognize those who truly go above and beyond the call of duty to make Team Maxwell a world-class installation.To do so, wing leadership is

  • Maxwell key spouses complete crisis intervention training

    Created as a means to equip key spouses with specialized training to better engage in crisis situations, Maxwell's crisis intervention training program held a graduation ceremony March 18 for its first class of 19 graduates.The program was created by Daphne O'Hair, a domestic abuse victim advocate

  • CCAF opens doors for prior enlisted officer

    It was never really something he looked into. His father served for 20 years, but joining the military didn't cross the then high school student's mind. His plan was to go to college and get a computer science degree.Sports and educational scholarships covered some of his expenses to attend two

  • Airman serves Air Force and deaf community

    "I don't do what I do in pursuit of reciprocation. Instead, I do what I do in pursuit of the ongoing gratification that I feel each time I use my hands to provide a voice for those who may never actually hear one." These words belong to Airman 1st Class Shaney Scott, an enterprise service desk

  • More than just one way to get fit

    While every Airman's physical training test is the same, not everyone prepares the same way.Traditional, organized PT, consisting of bodyweight exercises and some running, is one way to keep test-ready. However, there are many avenues Airmen can take to stay in top condition 365 days a year.Distance

  • Sexual assault awareness is focus of April events

    The 10th annual Sexual Assault Prevention campaign kicks off Tuesday. This year's theme is "Live Our Values: Step Up to Stop Sexual Assault."To help educate Maxwell and Gunter on sexual assault prevention, the sexual assault response coordinator's office will host events throughout the month."These

  • Spring’s arrival brings sun, pollen and allergies

    Spring is here, which means seasonal allergies are not far behind. Grass is starting to grow again, and trees, shrubs and flowers also will start to bloom. Pollen from grass, trees, shrubs and flowers is released into the air and can make many people suffer from sneezing, itching, congestion and