

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Changes made to base 2014 special observance program

    Since 1968, the Department of Defense has supported observances through development of local programs of recognition and diverse activities. Ethnic and special observances are conducted to enhance cross-cultural awareness and to promote diversity among all military members, civilian employees,

  • Every hand went up: Maxwell holds first sergeant symposium

    Maxwell Air Force Base held a first sergeant symposium at the U. S. Air Force First Sergeant Academy on Gunter Annex, Feb. 18-21. Active duty service members who have the additional duty of being a "shirt" attended various briefings, enhancing their ability to serve in their roles."The overall goal

  • Military Saves Week focuses on financial future

    As part of a national initiative to help military families better manage their fiscal responsibilities, Maxwell will host events during Military Saves Week, Monday through March 1. Military Saves Week is a Department of Defense-wide financial readiness campaign to persuade military service members

  • Black history is American history

    Every year in February, we reflect on the contributions that black people (I intentionally avoid the usage of African-American, which I will explain later) have made on our society and our respective cultures. Often, we take this month to reflect on the contributions of black Americans from a purely

  • Academic circle repaving starts March 3

    Due to a low rating on a recent pavement condition survey conducted by the Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency, a full repair of Chennault Circle on Maxwell will begin March 3. The repaving is part of a larger project aimed at making repairs to various streets and parking lots. Other areas of

  • No regrets part 6: Reaching beyond limits

    Editor's note: This part six of a six part series about the obstacles U.S. Air Force Maj. Jeffrey and his wife Nicole faced, and how the Air Force helped him persevere to his highest potential.NASA was never in his original plans, but thanks to the other choices he made in life; it became an

  • Soldiers, safety and sacrifice

    From our holes, we could see friendly aircraft "go dark" as they crossed the "fence" into Iraq. The air war had been raging for more than a month, and now, ordered into our attack positions, we knew our own fight was close at hand. For most of us, this was our first war. Combat was no longer an

  • Gunter programmer wins AF level award

    The United States Air Force values excellence. It is one of the three fundamental core values instilled in Airmen from the moment they enter the service. As an organization, the Air Force makes an effort to recognize Airmen whose accomplishments go above and beyond the already well-established

  • LEAP spring application window delayed

    The spring 2014 Language Enabled Airman Program application period has been delayed. The application window was scheduled to open in February. A new date to apply has not been set, and the spring application period may be cancelled, said program officials. LEAP administrators cited several factors

  • No regrets part 5: Not giving up

    Editor's note: This part five of a six part series about the obstacles U.S. Air Force Maj. Jeffrey and his wife Nicole faced, and how the Air Force helped him persevere to his highest potential.It took four months to bury everyone and for everyone to begin healing. That's when one of his medical