

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Maxwell schools row in Dragon Boat race

    Festivities abounded Saturday on Montgomery's riverfront as Air Command and Staff College, Air War College and Squadron Officer School tested their sea merit against 65 other teams in the fourth annual Dragon Boat Race and Festival.Bringing home gold and silver in their division respectively, ACSC's

  • Wife of Air Force chief of staff visits base: hosts key spouse luncheon

    When the word came that Betty Welsh, wife of Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh, had arrived Aug. 15 at the Maxwell Club 10 minutes ahead of schedule, Debby Ramsey, wife of the 42nd Air Base Wing Vice Commander Col. Mark Ramsey, and I hustled to our positions at the front door to officially

  • Maxwell to celebrate AF’s 66th year with ball

    Maxwell will celebrate the U.S. Air Force's 66th birthday with a ball on Sept. 14 at the Renaissance Hotel in Montgomery. The theme for this year's celebration is "The World's Greatest Air Force, Powered by Airmen, Fueled by Innovation." The formal event will include fellowship, dinner, dancing, a

  • Library renovation nears completion

    After more than two years of construction, the final renovations to the Muir S. Fairchild Research Information Center, which supports all enlisted and officer education at Air University, are due for completion in September. "The facility needed an upgrade, like all the other buildings on the

  • Exercise safety at the fuel pump

    The signs are there for all to see, staring down the patron at the pump, begging to be seen ... and yet completely ignored by many. The signs are there for the patron's safety, reminding them of things to avoid while at the pump, things that ought to be pretty common sense, such as not having an

  • Spaatz Center welcomes new leader

    It was a time of reflection as Maj. Gen. Brian Bishop assumed his dual responsibility as commander of the Carl A. Spaatz Center for Officer Education and as commandant of the Air War College during a change of command ceremony Monday.Bishop and relinquishing commander, Maj. Gen. Scott Hanson,

  • Airmen asked to participate in DoD anti-tobacco video competition

    The Department of Defense (DoD), Health Affairs, has recently announced a new tobacco countermarketing video competition aimed to target the message of tobacco being an enemy of our military as it degrades their health, fitness, mission readiness and work productivity. The competition entitled,

  • Big Changes for BE WELL Means More Choices for Airmen

    The BE WELL program, an Air Force-wide program designed to provide Airmen and leadership with resources to optimize fitness and health, now offers more choices and increased flexibility, thanks to a revamp that went into effect July 1.The Balanced Eating, Work Out Effectively, Living Longer, or BE

  • Keesler, Sheppard and Vance shine in King of the Hill game

    The King of the Hill game has ended, and three Air Education and Training Command bases have been spotlighted for best idea, individual participation, and wing participation.Keesler Air Force Base's idea on "C3 Multi-Functional Device Initiatives", which involved renegotiating print, copy, scan and