

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Making marriage work - Building trust, strengthening relationships

    Affairs, marital distrust and partner fall-outs are not limited to TV dramas, but are an alarming reality that has increased during the past three years at Maxwell, according to Airmen and Family Readiness Center consultant Marie Hixon."I have seen an increase in infidelity over the last three

  • AFAF campaign kicks off Monday

    The 40th annual Air Force Assistance Fund Campaign kicks off Monday and runs until May 3.The AFAF is an official Air Force tax-exempt organization, whose mission is to raise money for charities that directly support members of the Air Force family in need."It is doubtful that any of us are immune to

  • Air Force provides leadership opportunities for MDG commander

    The Air Force pulled her out of her shell and gave her the sky as the limit to what she could do. Col. Marina Ray, commander of the 42nd Medical Group, wouldn't change anything about her 25 years with the force."It's been a rewarding experience," said Ray. "I can see where I started out as a timid

  • ADHD family support group begins at Maxwell

    Raising children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, can be more than one or even two parents can handle, and the Maxwell community is available to help.A new lunch-and-learn support group for families raising a child or children with ADHD will meet first Wednesday of

  • Deale discusses sequester at AFA lunch

    Brigadier Gen. Thomas Deale addressed the vitality of prioritizing military resources during the nation's state of sequestration at the annual Air Force Association luncheon March 15 at the Maxwell Club."We have to move forward for what is best for our nation and follow the right course for our

  • USAF First Sergeant Academy embraces blended learning

    The U. S. Air Force First Sergeant Academy has transformed its curriculum from a traditional "brick-and-mortar" education experience to a mixture of facilitated distance learning and in-resident classroom time to teach future first sergeants. What was once a three-week in-residence course is now

  • Graves honors the heritage of enlisted Airmen

    Since its creation in 1947, Americans have enlisted into the Air Force for various meaningful reasons. For some, joining the Air Force is a family tradition, for others it served as an opportunity to serve their country and honor its heritage. For Chief Master Sgt. Fred Graves the idea of becoming

  • SCRA clarifies the rights of military renters

    As summer approaches, the cold is not the only thing leaving. Many service members studying at the Air University will move for permanent changes of station and may wonder how to get out of their 12-month leases signed during their stay.Signing a lease for a rental property can run into some

  • Preparing for severe weather season

    Spring is approaching and with it so are the threats of severe weather conditions and fierce storms brought by the impending tornado and hurricane season.There are many ways to prepare for the chance of extreme weather. Taking the necessary precautions and listening for weather alerts can prove

  • Wing answers furlough questions

    Leaders of the 42nd Air Base Wing addressed the question of a civilian employee furlough as a result of sequestration to audiences at Gunter and Maxwell during town hall meetings March 8. Colonel Trent Edwards, wing commander, said that if furloughs are mandated, Maxwell will work as a team to